Monday, September 30, 2019

Black Psychology Essay

Abstract: This is an autobiographical essay where I briefly analyzes and interpret significant and impactful events that has transpired over my last 20 years in my life from school to my community in Portland, Oregon. The objective of this essay is to connect concepts and the course objectives related to Black Psychology which I enrolled in at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) spring 2009 term. The outline for this essay is in a chronological age order starting from my birth in 1988 till my current experience at FAMU. The book that is mainly referenced in this essay is the Kobi K. Kambon textbook African/ Black Psychology in American Context: An African Centered Approach along with Joseph Baldwin’s class lectures that I attended. Divided Among two Different Views of the World: But this is my Story The idea that a black person is from Portland, Oregon seems to be shocking information for certain African-Americans. Once I introduce myself to new friends and professors who never traveled to Portland or were never informed that â€Å"Black people† live in Oregon. Many are intrigued by this information and have a quest to know more. So to answer that question, yes there are blacks who live in Oregon. I am a product of Oregon I, Michelle Williams, was born and raised in the urban community in Portland amongst other African-Americans. One may assume that I had a difficult time growing up in Oregon. Experiencing discrimination, racism, or identity crisis; however, my six siblings and I never did. Although, I did not experience those types of issues, I understood that in Portland, the Black race was the minority and Europeans were the majority in the race factor. In addition, do not assume that my family lineage only lines in Oregon, on both sides of my family southern roots run deep. Therefore, southern traditions, values, morals, beliefs, and customs were inbreeded into my up brings. Without questions, I am an African-American woman from Portland, Oregon; however, my geographic region does not define my blackness, nor does it determine if I am capable of experiencing hardships like my fellow peers who were raised in Southern states. In my early childhood, I resided with my maternal grandmother due to my parent’s abuse to their environment and the use of narcotics. However, my time spent with my grandmother was not in vein, yet filled with years of observing and learning how to uphold traditional southern values, which the modern world of psychology considers the â€Å"African/ Black Worldviews†. In the book, African/ Black Psychology in the American context: An African- Centered Approach Kobi K. Kambon explains the difference between the African/ Black and European Worldviews. The four components that compose the worldviews are: cosmology, ontology, axiology, and epistemology (Kambon, 1998) In the African/ African-American worldviews one are taught to believe in oneness/ harmony with nature, survival of the group, sameness; whereas the European Worldview have the notion of survival of the fittest, competiveness, independence, and uniqueness (being different). In my middle childhood my parents redirected their life, and my mother returned to college and obtained her bachelors and masters in Psychology with a minor in Black Studies at Portland State University. While in school she begun to incorporate her findings into her parenting. Although, my mother and I were led by Eurocentric teachings, my family and our surroundings reinforced the black/African-American Worldviews in the household. I recall myself adapting to the ideologies and beliefs of those who were not within my own indigenous cultural group. Kambon defines this experience as a black child who has been influenced by Eurocentric teachings resulting in â€Å"Abnormal Unnatural Circumstances†. The child has accepted and identified him or herself as a member of a â€Å"group that is not indigenous cultural reality (Kambon, 1998). I was able to bounce back to the normal-nature circumstances, with the help of my Black community friends, and family through our morals and beliefs. I had to stay true to my own cultural reality and not be amongst those who are â€Å"cultural mis-identified†. An example of how I demonstrated abnormal unnatural circumstances was when I accepted the European philosophies and allowed the whites to dictate and define what was appropriate or correct based off their standards and views on life. By this I allowed the notion that white Barbie dolls are better, rather than the Black China Doll my grandmother purchased for Christmas one year. While in middle school, which is considered my late or pre-adolescence years, I was offered acceptance into the Talent and Gift also known as the TAG program. The TAG programs honors and congratulates students â€Å"who demonstrated outstanding abilities or potentials in areas of general intellectual ability or specific ability aptitude† (Davenport Community School Website). After discovering the truth in the Black Psychology course, I have come to the understanding that this particular program has several flaws that discriminates against the Black race. The black students who excel above the standards set for Blacks are called â€Å"Talented or Gifted†. In chapter eight it stated that â€Å"there was some Blacks who scored as high as Whites on Standard tests of so-called intelligence (i.e research on Black â€Å"gifted† children)† (Kambon, 1998). The foundation of the Tag program continues and supports â€Å"White Supremacy†. The definition the European psychologist use to define intelligence which were examined on Caucasians only was: â€Å"(a) the repertoire of intellectual/cognitive skills and knowledge available to a person at any one period of time, or (b) the aggregate of global capacity of the individual to act purposely, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his/her environment† (Kambon,1998). The names of a couple of exams that exemplified that one was intelligent were: The Alfred Binet and the Binet Test, also known as Intelligence Quotient/ IQ, Charles Spearman with the GS Factor test, and a few others (Kambon, 1998). Robert L. Williams the second National Chairman/ President of American of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) (Kambon, 1998), developed a â€Å"Black â€Å"cultural specific† intelligence test which demonstrated that Blacks could perform superiority to Whites on such a Black cultural based test. The test was called Black Intelligence Test for Cultural Homogeneity† formally known as â€Å"BITCH’. His intelligence test showcased that African-American students were out performing whites by 30 to 50 points (Kambon, 1998). In relations to my acceptance to the TAG program I felt a sense of being privileged, superior, and connected to the white race in some sense. I belittled my peers who the Europeans and the test scored them as being underachievers. Through my actions I had continued on the European worldviews. The people see the good that the TAG program promotes; however, there are down sides and negative characteristics of being called a â€Å"Talented or Gifted† child. In my early adolescence years, I was considered at times a student who could be insubordinate, disrespectful, and disruptive in class. However, my actions were to challenge an question my teacher’s philosophy about Western History, colonization in Africa, slavery, and anything that focused on the Black race. Now looking back on what transpired in high school I was trying to discover the truth regarding my peoples. I tried to unravel the mess that the Europeans, Western historians, philosophers, and psychologist created. Removing the blind folds that had been placed over my eyes through the European teachings; I was tired of receiving the edited, shorten, and beautified story the teachers and academic curriculum spoon-feed me every year during the one month Blacks are allowed to celebrate their history (February). I have come to accept that knowledge is key and discovered like John Henrik Clarke that, â€Å"African History/ Negro History are the missing pages of World History† (John Henrik Clarke, 1996). In chapter three of Kambon books, he explains this idea of cultural reality and worldviews construct, and how â€Å"ones thoughts beliefs, values and actions are not uniquely our own, distinct and separate from those of others, particularly other individuals† (Kambon, 119). In today’s society we accept as true that European’s set the standards or dictated/ guide one to believe that their ways of living and doing things are how things ought to be done; continues white supremacy. I am now in my third year at FAMU as a nursing major interested in psychology, following sibling’s footsteps of attending a Historical Black University. My journey in the Black Psychology has taught me new things about my personality and where I come from. In my opinion Oregon is a diverse and complex state. I had adopted and balanced the different worldviews. From my secondary education I have come to a new found knowledge about this Black Psychology and it’s striving for perfection in the Black communities. I have come to understand that my people are from the Southern or African Cradle, which developed before the Northern or European Cradle a model Diop (Kambon, 1998). I am from the lineage of infamous Pharaoh’s and Queens such as Narmar, Pharaoh and Queen who whore the red and white crown Hatshepsut (Abarry, 1996). For years information has been hidden and sheltered from my peers and I. Not only from the African descendents in Oregon, but from all of the descendents of Africa has that populated the 50 states in America. I have learned that I am a descendant of great Queens and Kings and African’s who were educated, governed themselves, ran a successful economy that was developed in many aspects before the 1500’s when Europeans arrived. Ancient Kemit (KMT) and the Ma’at which is the foundation in which the KMT people lived by (Abarry, 1996). I have grown accustomed to both Western and this new psychology called â€Å"Black Psychology†. I am able to observe and fully understand and acknowledge the course objectives in Black Psychology because I have been in the ream of both worlds. My parents were educated and products of the early 60’s; where there was a large movement on civil rights and black psychologist making a change for the black community. Such as the Pan-African Cultural nationalism movement group who where â€Å"Black Psychologist who advocate that race and culture are the foundation of African self-identity and psychological well being† (Kambon, 1998). Black psychology has made tremendous accomplishments; they have challenged the ideals and ideologies of Western Psychology. Rather than being the blinded test mice used in Western Psychology, Black psychologist has made a mark in Psychology. There has been a creation of Psychology geared to the Blacks. They have developed an impressive editorial journal that comes out quarterly called The Journal of Black Psychology which has been around for about 35 years (Kambon, 1996). The members of the Association of Black Psychologist have overcome many obstacles that have been presented in front of them, and will continue to do so for following years to come (Kamon, 1998). I find that my mind was once held captive in a sense, before I entered college under Eurocentric teachings. I upheld the ideas of Eurocentric teachings, yet the status quo has changed; in favor for the Black Race, and my cognitive for that matter. In today’s society black children are taught by a Eurocentric teaching, where there is a mis-education which manifests itself in the Eurocentric conceptual incarceration (Kambon, 1998). The portrait the European psychologists painted through their views and studies of the black race, personality, mental health, and behavioral problems have not reflected the Black people in anyway. On the contrary it has caused a separation between blacks. Those who believed in changing the psychology world for the black race have succeeded at founding its place and did not allow the standards set by Western Psychology to be the foundation for Black Psychology (Kambon, 1996). Today the black’s can see the ‘great depth of the Eurocentric cultural incarceration that encapsulates African intellectual consciousness and scholarship. † (Kambon,1998). Which has caused a developmental problem of the knowledge of the African/ black race. From the motivation of Francis Cecil Sumner, Herman G. Canady, Robert L. Williams, Marcus Gravey, Nat Turners, W. E. B Dubois, Frances Cress Welsing, and the thousands of members of the Association of Black Psychology, there is a psychology that focuses on the black community which is not defined by the Western Psychology standards. It is up to students like me to utilize the essential tools from courses like Black Psychology, and turn a deaf ear to the myths and misleading information that the Western Psychology once succeeded at incarcerating. This was my experience from growing up in Portland, Oregon and making a much need journey to Florida A&M University which landed me a seat in Dr. Joseph Baldwin course Black Psychology. References Abarry, S. , Asante, M. ,(1996). African intellectual Heritiage. Philadelphia, PA: Temple Press A Great and Might Walk. Dir. St. Claire Bourne. Perf. Wesley Snipes John Henrik Clarke. 1996. Bourne, C. [Westley Snipes] (1996): Los Angles Davenport Community School Website. (1998, Aug). Retrieved Mar. 09, 2009, from http://www. davenport. k12. ia. us/curriculum/gifted. asp Kambon, K. (1998). African/ black psychology in the american context: an african- centered approach. Tallahassee, Fl: Nubian Nation Publication.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hcs 301 – Personal Goals

Personal Goals HCS 301 September 25, 2010 Judy Ceppaglia Personal Goals It wasn’t that long ago that I had those new graduate nurse’s hopeless feelings of fear and despair, as whether or not I was ever going to be a competent nurse. Wondering whether I was ever going to feel like I know exactly what I am doing and why. Was I ever going to stop being nervous when starting an IV or inserting a Foley catheter. Was I ever going to handle a full assignment of four patients, in busy Emergency Room (ER), without the help of a preceptor. As fast as those feelings overwhelmed me, they have disappeared.These days, the feelings of fear and despair aren’t as noticeable. â€Å"Goal setting plays a prominent role in social-cognitive learning models of academic achievement† (Morisano, Hirsh, Peterson, Pihl, & Shore, 2010). When I can accomplish my goals I feel as though the sky’s the limit. The time has finally come, for me to reach to the stars and grab one, taki ng my world by storm. According to Weber, â€Å"Every goal you set is a life goal, whether it’s a business goal, a relationship goal, a health goal, a spiritual goal, or a financial goal, every decision you make every goal you set has a personal consequence.We all know our goals need to be smart goals. Specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented and time defined† (Weber, 2009, para. five – seven). Sometimes personal and professional goals are very similar and may even become intertwined due the outcomes and decisions made by the individual. A decision made in one area may have effects in another. At present my short professional goal is to become certified in the insertion of external jugular (EJ) IV’s.Because of the socio-economic class of patients I work with, and the patient’s presentation with almost no peripheral IV access from poor circulation, to uncontrolled illnesses, or IV drug abuse, this skill few are certified in. The entire pro cess entails taking home the hospital policy and accompanying learning packet, taking an in class test and acquiring six chaperoned insertions of EJ’s with a nurse who is already certified. My plan is to have this goal achieved by January 2011. According to McKay (n. d. ), â€Å"Short term goals are reachable in one to three years.Short term goals are often a stop along the way to our long term goals† (Planning for the future para. 3). My second professional goal being long-term in is to go from a registered nurse (RN) level II to a level III RN. The hospital that I work for offers room for advancement through a three level tier program. Starting with my basic RN license, moving toward level II and then onto level III, each advancement comes through educational and specified guidelines established by the hospital and set forth in a hospital policy.Prior to going back to school I was able to attain my level II status. However, the requirements for a level III require th e achievement of a Bachelor’s degree and certification in a specialized field. This means acquiring a Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) certificate. I anticipate my graduation from the BSN program to be in May 2012 and then giving me six months to study for and mastering the CEN test. At that time I will obtain an updated copy of the policy and requirements and revisit the application process to becoming a level III RN.According to McKay (n. d. ), â€Å"Long term goals can take about three to five years to achieve† (Planning for the future,  para. 3), and with â€Å"Goal clarity, increases persistence, making individuals less susceptible to the undermining effects of anxiety, disappointment, and frustration (Morisano, et al. 2010, p. 256). In setting personal goals, I that I tend to struggle more with these. Even the simplest of things can be a large obstacle to overcome. This leads me to a short-term personal goal of just being able to keep up on the laundry although I am in school.So often the laundry can be one of those things that is easily over looked. In the past, I would dedicate one day of the week, usually Sunday to do all of the laundry but that became overwhelming and consumed my entire day, usually resulting in laundry being left in the dryer and a load or two not folded and properly put away. Because of that I eventually just slowly stopped doing the laundry until we, were in desperate need of something. I began having feelings of guilt and eventually I started to try to do a load here and there, but I felt that it was a never-ending battle.For these reasons I want to establish a better relationship with the laundry monster and do at least one load of laundry a day, which includes washing, drying, and putting it away. According to The New York Times Company (2010), â€Å"Today’s preparation determines tomorrow’s achievement, Author Unknown† (Quotations, para. 1). â€Å"Striving for personal goals assigns meanin g, structure and direction to an individual’s life† (Conrad, Doering, & Exner, 2009.Looking to the future, I believe that to be a good example for not only my children but my prospective students, I need to lose 55 pounds, and establish the healthier lifestyle I once had, making this my long-term personal goal. In April 2005 I had begun eating healthier and exercising that subsequently led to the loss of about 65 pounds. After being accepted to the nursing program in August 2007, I slowly lost the energy and time it took to continue eating healthy and exercising, therefore losing those good habits that were adopted as my everyday living and eventually resulted with gaining back about 50 pounds.In an article written by Wood and Neal (2007) they state, â€Å"Habits are learned dispositions to repeat past responses. They are triggered by features of the context that have covaried frequently with past performance, including performance locations, preceding actions in a seq uence, and particular people. After reading this article I found the solidification that I needed and was reminded that I can accomplish my goals. Moving forward, I want to have regained my healthier weight and exercise routine before the completion of the BSN program.In conclusion, with the establishment of clear, concise and attainable goals the work required to achieve those goals makes them easier to aspire toward. With continued success, motivation, and upward movement toward a person’s goals, the less likely they are to become unmotivated, disappointed, and frustrated. â€Å"Well defined goals appear to help individuals discover and use ever more efficient strategies and modes of thought and perception† (Morisano, et al. 2010. p. 256) References Conrad, N. , Doering, B.K. , & Exner, C. (2009,  October). Looking beyond the importance of life goals. The personal goal model of subjective well-being in neuropsychological rehabilitation. Clinical rehabilitation 2010 ; , (24), 431 – 443. McKay, D. R. (n. d. ). Goal setting – increase your chances for success. Retrieved from http://careerplanning. about. com Morisano, D. , Hirsh, J. B. , Peterson, J. B. , Pihl, R. O. , & Shore, B. M. (2010). Setting, elaborating, and reflecting on person goals improves academic performance.Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(2), 255-264. doi: 10. 1037/a0018478 The New York Times Company. (2010). About. com. Retrieved from http://quotations. about. com/cs/inspirationquotes/a/Success1. htm Weber, S. (2009, December  24). Have a plan and goals. Redland Daily Facts. Retrieved from http://proquest. umi. com. Wood, W. , & Neal, D. T. (2007). A new look at habits and the habit-goal interface. The American Psychological Association – Psychological Review, 114(4), 843-863. doi:10. 1037/0033-295X. 114. 4. 843

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Barkha Dutt

Barkha Dutt Essay NDTV 247 is a premier English language television network that carries news and current affairs in India, it is owned by New Delhi Television Ltd. NDTV 247 won the Asian Television Award for Best News Channel in 2005. NDTV 247 is home to a team of award winning journalists who spearhead the news campaign, including Dr. Prannoy Roy and Barkha Dutt. NDTV 247 is also available outside of India, broadcasting in the UK on the Sky Digital platform, in the U. S. n the DirecTV platform, in Canada on the ATN platform, in Australia on the Vision Asia platform, in Europe on the WorldTV platform, and in Singapore on the mio TV platform. We the People is a television talk show in India and running over NDTV. TV journalist Barkha Dutt hosts this show. The program broadcasts every Sunday. About the show It is a discussion-based programme on burning issues. Seven to eight panelists are invited for every discussion. It is an audience-based show. This Show airs in New Delhi Television network. The programme can generate controversy, but showcases a diversity of views thanks to its host. Barkha has been awarded as the most intelligent TV host by Indian Television Awards, and also as Best Talk Show Anchor. We The People has recently won the 14th Asian Television Award for Best Talk Show for the year 2008. The show has received critical acclaim and has won several key awards {{{{{{{{{{{{{Barkha Dutt is a television journalist. Her frontline reporting of the Kargil conflict in 1999 raised her to prominence in India. She has reported on many conflicts, ranging from Kashmir to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. Currently, she is Group Editor-English News, NDTV, a leading Indian television network, and the host of We the People, a weekly discussion show on current events. Barkha also writes a weekly column for The Hindustan Times and Khaleej Times. Some awards she has won: Global Leader of Tomorrow Award from the World Economic Forum, 2001 Commonwealth Broadcasters Award, 2002 Broadcast Journalist of the Year by the Indian Express, 2005 Padma Shri Award (Journalism), 2008}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} The channel airs one of Indias most successful opinion-based shows: We the People with Barkha Dutt. .. s india an english speaking country? Were all of us educated in elite schools and fashionable colleges? Do all of us have fancy,phirang accents that would put the real angrez to shame? Is Barkha Dutt the ultimate arbitrator of all things bright,beautiful and otherwise. Indeed this famous programme called ’We the people’ on NDTV 24*7 is certainly not for a common person. Certainly not for a per son who has not read all the correct books and magazines. Barkha Dutt uses this opportunity(as always) to emphasize just how talented she is. How greatly our wretched country needs her services as the super-judge of anything that she sets her eyes on. Indeed the program is supposed to be a free,open discussion between people whose voices are not otherwise heard. What it actually is,is a kind of drawing room discussion between celebrities. These celebrities pretend to become very humble and approachable. They are surrounded by some doctorates and super specialists who are sometimes allowed to make a few noises. What the show turns out to be in the end is a weekly meeting of th

Friday, September 27, 2019

SB 1070 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

SB 1070 - Essay Example The Illinois’s legislative bill 123 together with the Arizona’s â€Å"Support our law enforcement and safe Neighborhood Act† is the strictest and wider anti-illegal immigration legislative act in the recent times. This bill intends to include more provisions to the federal laws of the United States of America. First, it would be a crime for individual aliens to be in the state of Illinois without the registration documents. It would also restrict the other state, local agencies and officials from the restricting enforcement of the federal immigration laws in the state of Illinois (Ferris, 289). It also provides for the crackdown for the individuals who are harboring, transporting or hiring aliens in the state illegally. This has been described as the strictest immigration law united states. The intent of these additional provisions was to reduce the number of illegal aliens who are estimated to approximately 460, 000 in Arizona only and even more in the state of Illinois and others states in the U.S. ... The act provides for the state law enforcements agencies to question, arrest or detain individuals who are reasonably suspected to be in the country illegally. In this context the act gives the state law enforcement agencies to enforce the law and ensure that the immigrants abide by the state laws. According to Warner (68), this is unconstitutional because the responsibility of enforcing the immigration laws is a federal responsibility and not a state responsibility. If there is reasonable suspicion that they might be in the country illegally, it is the responsibility of the federal governments to enforce the laws. The Illinois’s bill 123 can be described as a bill that affects foreign matters and hence its effect when passed into law would affect the foreign policy of not only the Illinois but also the United States o America. The unconstitutional nature of this act is that the state does not have powers to pass laws that affect the foreign policy and relations. According to Warner (69), just like the states have no authority of passing their own foreign policies or enter into treaties with the other nations of the world, they do not have immigration policies and laws. The argument here is that the immigration laws is an attribute of the foreign affairs and hence the state law enforcing agencies and officials do not have any little power to pass such laws. The signing of the law into affect would therefore mean that the state of Illinois has a different foreign policy compared to the United States of America foreign policies in general and hence it is therefore unconstitutional. The role of a state in enforcing federal immigration laws is provided for in the federal laws of the united state of America. However

Thursday, September 26, 2019

You can choose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

You can choose - Essay Example Equally important, there are several moral codes and ethical conduct that are taught by the religious traditions. The link between law and religion is manifested in the Islamic sharia, Christian canon law, Hindu law, and Jewish among others. Therefore, drawing on a variety of sources the paper will discuss the links between law and religion. Both in substance and origin, the link between law and religion have always been assumed to exist, even though they are two different concepts. The connecting component between these two is the human being. Both law and religion contribute to the social order. On one hand, law is considered as a set of rules of conduct that is aimed at guiding human behavior in order to differentiate good from bad (Howard 79). Law is used to advance the general good by developing legal rights of which it is mandatory to abide by. On the other hand, Edge (29) notes that religion has numerous definitions and anti-definitions of which none have attained dominance. In a view shared by Matadi, religion is a normative system that affects people’s lives and also determines their conduct. Also, religion established the relationship between a person and the Supreme Being. For Muslims, the source of religion lies in the Quran, for Christians it lies in the Bible, and for the native religions, it lies i n the customs, rituals, and object passed on from the ancestor’s or gods. Hagedorn, Kratz, and Kratz (365) posit that there exists a complex relationship between law as a set of rules that govern the social and political existence of mankind, and religion, which is a body of spiritual doctrines and a system of rituals and norms of behavior.† Law is accepted as a natural product of the informal interaction rules in the society. Therefore, religion can also be accepted as a crucial source of law considering that social rules and norms are usually influenced by the religious values of societies. Correspondingly, religion also provides a set of

Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Business Environment - Essay Example Although the organization is well capitalized and enjoys a global presence, its reputation has constantly been at stake following several fines related to environmental pollution and inadequate maintenance of equipment and facilities. The company has also been accused of ranking poorly in terms of upholding human rights according to some quarters. In view of the company’s business environment, it may well be concluded that the company has a bright future although it needs to make certain adjustments to continue achieving astronomical growth. The research and findings of this report are based on information drawn from a range of reputable secondary sources including the company’s website. BP Oil Limited, formerly known as British Petroleum Incorporates, is a private limited company whose country of origin is the United Kingdom (British Petroleum, n.d). Incorporation on 20th December, 1947, the company has been in existence for close to 63 years and has achieved significant growth economically and in terms of global presence. With its headquarters located in St James’s, London, BP Oil Ltd ranks among the largest privately owned energy corporations globally. In fact, the company is among the six â€Å"supermajors† as it deals in natural gas, oil exploration, and marketing of petroleum products. The multinational organization is currently listed on the London Stock Exchange and features among the 100 most highly capitalized companies in the United Kingdom (FTSE 100) (British Petroleum, n.d). Its capitalization was approximated at 119,039 million Euros as of October, 2009. As a result of the merger between BP Plc and Amaco in 1998, the company has continued to sell Amoco brands in the United States to-date. This is primarily due to the fact that Amoco gasoline brands have been rated by consumers as among the best in the market for close to 16

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Discuss point of view in Walkers Everyday Use . Is the narrator Essay

Discuss point of view in Walkers Everyday Use . Is the narrator reliable How does the point of view affect our assessment of the other characters in the - Essay Example The Mother appreciated her modest yard as the following quote shows, â€Å"anyone can come and sit and look up into the elm tree and wait for the breezes that never come inside the house† (Walker, 1998). Yet the Mother could also face the tragedy in her life, like when her daughter was burned. This is proven by the quote, â€Å"Sometimes I can still hear the flames and feel Maggies arms sticking to me, her hair smoking and her dress falling off her in little black papery flakes (Walker, 1998). She did not sugar coat the events in her life by making them appear better or more tragic than they were. This view of her life makes the Mother’s narrative believable. The Mother’s choice of words when describing herself and her daughters also make the narrative plausible. When describing herself, she is far from flattering by saying, â€Å"In real life I am a large, big.boned woman with rough, man.working hands† (Walker, 1998). Her daughter Maggie, who had been burned in the fire, was described as â€Å"a lame animal, perhaps a dog run over by some careless person rich enough to own a car, sidle up to someone who is ignorant enough to be kind to him† (Walker, 1998). The Mother’s other daughter, Dee, receives more of her venom. She is illustrated as pretentious, always wanting to be better than her Mother and Maggie. These descriptions are blunt, so make the story more credible. Using the descriptions of her daughters, the Mother makes the reader feel sorry for Maggie and contemptuous of Dee. When relating Maggie’s acceptance of her fate, by marrying a local boy because of her self esteem being damaged by her burns, the reader admires and pities Maggie. On the other hand, when Dee comes home with a new African name, trying to relate to her African roots, her Mother is disgusted. Dee’s real roots were there at their home with the Mother and Maggie, but her exaggerated ways make the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tank Leak Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tank Leak - Personal Statement Example The issues of soil contamination will need to be addressed and the abandoned tank removed for reasons of safety and structural stability. The local agency responsible for the environment may have to be consulted to determine the magnitude and extent of risk of environmental contamination the leakage poses. That agency may also require to be consulted before an appropriate remediation programme is adopted and the soil contamination cleaned up. Following are a few remediation techniques published in the Oil Remediation Index that we could choose from: 1. Dig and dump - As the name suggests this method involves removing all the contaminated soil and disposing it off to the nearest landfill site. While excavation and dumping is becoming increasingly expensive, this is the most effective of the methods for removal of contamination and possibly most appropriate for your site as we are already in the process of excavation. 2. Soil Vapour Extraction - This is an in-situ process that involves inducing an air flow through the soil to remove the volatile components of the contaminant. Since oil is not as volatile as say petrol, this technique might not be very appropriate here. 4. Bio-remediation - This method involves using micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria etc to degrade organic contaminants.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Corporate Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Corporate Strategy - Essay Example .W.O.T analysis shows the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company and the external opportunities and threats in conjunction to the environment in which the company operates (Stimpson Peter,Farquharson Alastair, 2010). Primarily, Dyson Private Ltd.’s main internal strengths of are its human resource of the company, which consists of highly professional fleet of engineers and scientists including Sir James Dyson himself. Secondly, the company has an edge as a resultant of the cost saving which was achieved when the operations such as an introduction of a manufacturing assemblies being established in Malaysia, most significant strength of the company lies with the quality of products it offers to its customers. On the contrary, the weaknesses associated with Dyson Pvt. Ltd. are the remoteness of its operation in Malaysia that is the cost of transport incurred and the communication problems in Malaysian corporate culture restricting effective communication. Moreover, the external factors resulting in future opportunities and hence success for the company is the potential of customers in the global market for its promising products, similarly the continuous research and development of new prototypes and designs. External threat for Dyson Private Limited is mainly the competition from the home country and foreign countries, the main competitors for Dyson vacuum cleaners are Kerstar (Kerstar, 2014), which also like Dyson Co provides a large range of vacuum cleaners with alternative variations, such as dry vacuum cleaners, wet and dry dwarf vacuum cleaners, industrial vacuum cleaners, carpet vacuum cleaners and others. However, Kerstar’s pricing strategy is penetration pricing strategy, as per renowned UK ranker website (Brandes, Werner, 2014), Dyson Pvt. Ltd. ranks number 1, and for this reason, Kerstar uses this pricing strategy. Another major competitor confronted by Dyson Private Limited is the Big Brute Co (Big Brute, 2004). Big Brute Co. of fers a wide

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Songs of Silence - Nathan Essay Example for Free

Songs of Silence Nathan Essay Use the character Nathan to discuss the ways in which Forbes presents the theme of Silence.  In the book ‘Songs of Silence’, the character Nathan is man of simple pleasures. His kind of silence as pertaining to the book was one of never knowing what to expect or what his true intentions were. It was a silence of pure evil yet with purposeful good intentions. This is seen when he seeks revenge after his kite was broken by his brother earlier that day. Before going to bed, he performed his bedtime ritual of kneeling by his bedside and saying his prayers then proceeded to his older brother, Tony, and poked him in the eye and without a word went to bed an fell asleep. That action was unexpected but well deserved. Nathan was very observant. He was also a determined young man. It is seen in the way he would handle negotiations with his siblings. It was almost like you would have to give into his demands because it was his way or the highway, take it or leave it, that type of thing. So if it was a situation where you needed something from him you would then have to meet the requirements of payment or not have whatever it is taken care of and that would be his final answer. You could say he was a stubborn person but he stood up for what he felt he believed in. This is also seen in his later years as an adult. As a security guard he abided by the rules and stood up for what was right. He didn’t allow the thought of material things cloud the duties he had to fulfill, and in doing this he lost a leg but was quite content in the down to earth life style he lived after settling a generous financial deal. For Nathan the need for a companion was never at all necessary. He needed only himself. He found self-fulfillment of being satisfied with what he had and had no need for anything more. Forbes drew a reference to this by stating, â€Å"If bone could suffice, there was no need for flesh,† (page: 31 fourth paragraph). That statement alone shows us how content yet tight Nathan was. Tight in the sense that when he was owed something he would make sure of it that he got repaid. Also, when it came to money he only spent what it is he knew he needed. Other than that the money would forever stay in his pocket. There were many ‘types’ of silence interpreted in the book ‘Songs of Silence’. Nathan’s silence in particular was one which brought about question. Why was he so quiet all the time? Was something troubling him that he had to take a great deal of time to figure it out? Or was it because he had no interest in earthly pleasures. In conclusion, Curdella Forbes uses Nathan’s silence to epitomize self-content; being happy with the company of one’s self.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Israeli Air Force Experience In Bekaa Valley War

Israeli Air Force Experience In Bekaa Valley War 1. The whole world argues whether the fighting between Israel, PLO and Syrians during Beckaa Valley war should be seen as WAR or just one more tragic surge in violence in the decades-long struggle between Israel and the Palestinians/Arabs. However, the war fought by the three parties has a great impact on a lot of aspects such as technology, strategy and the method used to conduct the war. This paper studies the war in term of lessons learnt in modern air battle with central focus on Electronic Warfare (EW), phases of changes in Israelis tactic and capabilities and implication of the war on todays modern air battle in term of training, intelligent, surprise, command control and communication (C3) and electronic combat. This also will help readers to have better and in-depth understanding on how Electronic warfare can be employed effectively and the importance of certain strategy assets for a nation to defend its self in future war or conflict. RMAF air power doctrine defined the role of RMAF during war. Roles played by the Israelis Air Force (IAF) during Beckka Valley war will enable readers to have better understanding of RMAF roles during war. AIM 2. This aim of the paper is to study Israeli Air Force experience in Bekaa Valley war in term of application of modern air power and its relevant lessons to Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF). In doing so, this paper pays particular attention to employment of Electronic Warfare (EW) during the war and its relations to roles of RMAF. BACKGROUND 4. On 6 June 1982, Israel defense Force invaded Lebanon in a campaign which, would become the most controversial military action in Israels history. Operation Peace for Galilee or known as Beckaa Valley War was launched to meet five Israelis national strategy goals  [1]  : a. Eliminate the PLO threat to Israels northern border. b. Destroy the PLO infrastructure in Lebanon. c. Remove Syrian military presence in the Bekaa Valley. d. Create a stable Lebanese government. 5. The Israelis population consists of Jewish who practice the religion of Judaism while the Arabs on the other hand practice Islam as their religions. According to their bible (Tanakh) the Jewish were told that they will defeat their enemies and take control of this land no matter who is the enemy. In Koran the Islamic bible the Arabs also was promised the same land. In 1948, when the Jews formed the State of Israel, the conflict between Arabs and Israelis started and they have fought continuously throughout history  [2]  . 6. Lebanon a country comprises of two major religion groups Catholic and Muslims. It was part of Syria before the French separate it 1861. The Catholic wanted a pro western government; however the Muslim wanted a government based on Islam. In 1926 the Lebanese leaders came to a power sharing agreement that the President should be a Catholic while the Prime Minister a Sunni  [3]  . 7. People Liberation Organization (PLO) was established in Jerusalem in 1964, with main Objective to destroy the Israel and gain complete control of Palestine. In Lebanon, the PLO created State within a state gained the support of Muslim population and declared the constitutions of power sharing agreement as obsolete. They collected their own taxes, funded its own school and organized a military that able to challenge Israelis northern border  [4]  . 8. The study of Bekaa Valley war must understand why the Israelis invaded. One of the main reasons for the Invasion was, PLO shelling of northern Israel from the end of 1973 till 1982. During this period PLO manages to launch 1,548 rocket attacks and killing almost 103 people. Usually, the Israelis responded with air raid, border raid and counter shelling as preventive measures. In 1978, Israelis started to lose patient on PLO as a result of failures of their preventive measure. March 1978, Israelis launched Operation Litani with purpose of driving the PLO north of Litani River in Lebanon and create a 25 KM buffer zone. The purpose of this buffer zone was the have an area of free PLO so that they could not launch any rocket attack  [5]  . 9. United Nation manages to pressure and forced the Israel to withdraw and replaced by its own force. The aim of UN was to maintain peace within the buffer zone and reestablishes the Lebanese government. However, the peace did not last long when the PLO starting to take control and began to continue their attacks on northern Israel borders. On 3rd June 1982, Shlomo Argov Israelis ambassador to the United Kingdom was shot by terrorist. The Israelis who needed a reason blamed the PLO and at 1100 on 6 Jun 1982 the Israelis defense force launched operation Peace for Galilee  [6]  . RESEARCH QUESTION 10. The following question is examined while doing this paper: a. What are the key factors to success of Israelis Air Force (IAF)? b. What type off assets employed by the IAF to achieve success? c. What strategy used to cripple the PLO and Syrian by IAF? LITERATURE REVIEW INVASION PLANS 11. Israel Defense Force (IDF) planning for an invasion of Lebanon began in 1978. The lessons learned from the operation Litani formed the basis of the Pine Tree plan. The invasion plan comprised of three alternative plans. The first plan called for an invasion 40 kilometers into Lebanon. Its purpose was to destroy the PLO in the south and their ability to terrorize northern Israeli settlements  [7]  . 12. The second plan was a more ambitious version of the first. The IDF would advance as far north as the vicinity of Beirut. The advantage of this plan was that it would include the PLO training and operational base at Damour, some 12 kilometers south of Beirut  [8]  . 13. The third and most ambitious plan, called Big Pines, included war against both the PLO and the Syrians. This plan called for the seizing of Lebanese territory including Beirut. Civilian leadership generally favored the first plan. However, Defense Minister Sharon and some high-ranking military leaders favored the larger war of the third plan. The plan that was officially approved remains in question  [9]  . COMBAT CAPABILITY 14. Apart from planning the invasion the Israelis also started developing their assets as preparation for the invasion. Even though, Israelis dependent heavily on American technology. However, they manage to develop their own technology. The table bellows show the development of IAF assets from 1973 to 1982 (source the military balance 1973 and 1982). Manpower 1973 1982 Reqular 15,000 30,000 Reserve 20,000 37,000 Equipment 1973 1982 Combat aircraft 488 634 F-4E Phantom 95 138 Mirrage III 35 24 A-4 Skyhawk 160 174 F-15 40 F-16 74 Kfir 160 SAM 10 Hawk bty 15 Hawk bty Table 1: Israelis rapid development of assets from 1973 to 1982 RMAF ROLES 15. Air Power is defined as the ability to project military force in air or from flatform or missiles operating above the surface nation RMAF primary mission is to defend the sovereignty and integrity of the nation and its interests through the proper and effective use of aerospace power. In order to carry out this mission RMAF define its roles in air power doctrine so that employment of assets and manpower can be utilize to the fullest in war  [10]  . 16. RMAF air strategies fall essentially into four broad roles  [11]  : a. Counter Air role. b. Force Application role. c. Force Enhancement role. d. Force Sustenance role. 17. Tables bellow defined the roles in details  [12]  : ROLES OPERATIONS MISSIONS TASKS COUNTER AIR OCA Airfield Attack To attack Aircraft on ground, Ammo and Fuel dump, C4I, Airfield facilities. Fighter Sweep Seek and destroy airborne aircraft, SEAD Destroy, neutralise, and degrade Radars and early warning systems, SAMs, AAA. DCA GAI Intercept, Identify, Shadow, Intervene and/or Force down, or Engage enemy aircraft. CAP Escorts Protect FGA aircraft or HVAA. Table 2: Examples of Counter Air roles and its operations and missions ROLES OPERATIONS MISSIONS TASKS FORCE APPLICATION STRATEGIC ATTACK To destroy, neutralise, degrade or disrupt; COG and Vital points. Destroy, neutralise and degrade HQ, key industries, and fielded forces and infrastructures. INTERDICTION To destroy, neutralise, degrade, disrupt or delay: LOC, War sustaining and military potential beyond the battlefield. Destroy, degrade, delay supply depot, HQ. OFFENSIVE AIR SUPPORT (OAS) BAI Destroy, neutralise or delay land forces, LOC, war machines, bridges. CAS MARITIME AIR OPERATIONS (MAO) ASuW Detect, identify, neutralise, destroy, ships, mine laying, ASW Detect, locate, track, submarine, mine laying. ARMED RECCE Opportunity targets within the battlefield. Locating and attacking personnel, material and facilities. Table 3: Examples of Force application roles and its operations and missions ROLES OPERATIONS MISSIONS TASKS FORCE ENHANCEMENT AIRLIFT Scheduled services. Movement of personnel and supplies. Airborne operations. Airdrop of personnel or cargo. Air logistic support. Distribute or recover personnel and materiel. Special air operations. Insertion and extraction of special forces, leaflet drop, voice broadcast. Aero-medical evacuation. MEDEVAC, CASEVAC, BODEVAC. AIR-TO-AIR REFUELLING (AAR) Towline AAR missions. Provide air-to-air refuelling. Trail AAR missions. AEW C Early warning and Surveillance. Provide information on enemy activity; provide air picture to AD forces C2, maritime surv. Control of air operations Control, monitor and direct OCA missions, manage AAR assets, coordinate rescue, assist in navigation. Weapons control. Control fighters, armed heli and GBAD. ELECTRONIC WARFARE (EW) ESM Search, intercept, identify and locate EM emissions. ECM Electronic jamming, neutralisation or deception of en C2, EM capabilities, acquisition and targeting and combat capabilities, launching active decoys like chaff and flares. EPM Spoofing, inserting erroneous information. ISR OPERATIONS Strategic recce. Strategic warning, provide info for RD and weapon systems acquisition. Operational recce. Weather and geographical recce, defining vulnerable and vital enemy elements. Tactical recce. BDA, combat assessment, tactical threat warning, target imagery. SPECIAL FORCE OPERATIONS Unconventional warfare, direct action, Combating terrorism, special recce, Civil affairs, PSYOPS, Information operations, Counter proliferation Collect intelligence, sabotage, espionage, rescue, target laser designation, path-finding. Table 4: Examples of Force Enhancement roles and its operations and missions ROLES OPERATIONS MISSIONS TASKS FORCE SUSTENANCE BASE DEFENCE OPS Base active air defence Defend from air attack (SHORAD, AAA). Base passive air defence CCD, dispersion, air raid warning, reconstitution, recuperation. Base security Anti: sabotage, espionage, insertion, infiltration. BASE SUPPORT OPS Training Receive, Induct, Special skills. Operations Provide ATC, airfield, rescue, fire fighting, wx and C4I services. Material Supply, RD, clothing, refuelling, ammunition transportation, rations. Maintenance Servicing, repair, testing, salvage, refurbish, manufacture. Administration Organising, Planning, Finance, Religious and Medical services, Welfare Discipline, Law and order and Accommodation. LOGISTICS OPERATIONS Material Acquisition, Movement, Distribution, Storage, Maintenance, Disposition. Personnel Movement, Evacuation, Medical care. Facilities Acquisition, Construction, Maintenance, Disposition, Operation. Services Acquisition or Furnishing. CSAR Search, Locate and Rescue. Downed Aircrew or Distressed personnel. Table 4: Examples of Force Sustenance roles and its operations and missions DISCUSSION TRAINING 18. The lesson learnt from the previous conflict prompt the Israelis to have better preparation for the invasion during the Beckaa Valley War. One of their main preparations was training. The main objective of the training was to get the personnel to know in dept of whats going to happen during the actual invasion. Massive training conducted at the borders involving numerous personnel and assets. Advancement in technology is key assets to IAF. However, in order to achieve success the IAF personnel need to understand and have experience in handling this equipment. 19. The IAF conducted extensive northern border training exercise which acted as rehearsal for incoming invasion. The exercise was conducted for the period of 13 months which include rehearsal of sorties against simulated SAM-6 target at northern desert. This countless rehearsals eliminate many problems that the planners did not see when drafting the invasion plan. This rehearsal also intended to create planed desensitization of the PLO and Syrians. Fearing the invasion is on the way the PLO and the Syrians reacted to first few training exercises. However due to the alert fatigue the PLO and Syrians ignored the following training exercises including the actual invasion. INTELLIGENT 20. Electronic Warfare (EW) involves action to control electromagnetic spectrum or directed energy; this action will impede the enemy capability or ability use the electromagnetic spectrum. Electronic signal Intelligent (ELINT) is a way to gather intelligent by use of electronic sensor. Signal identification is carried out by analyzing the collected parameters of specific signal to know its criteria, this data usually highly classified and protected. The gathered data usually pertinent to the enemy defense network especially the electronic part such as radar and surface-to-air missiles system. 21. As preparation for the invasion the IAF remotely piloted vehicles (RPV) overflew the area where the Syrians position their SAMs. These RPVs collected the intelligence which later used to develop the attack plan. The IAF use two assets in achieve the ELINT mission. The Mastiffs contained gyro stabilized television and high resolution camera which proven its effectiveness in photo reconnaissance. The Scouts is configured to carryout ELINT mission, picked up the radar emissions which enable the fingerprinting of the Syrians SAM radar. Both this assets able to deliver the information picked up directly to airborne or ground command post for immediate analysis. 22. Information gathered by the RPVs proven its effectiveness when the IAF manage to carry out their Suppression of Enemy Air Dense (SEAD) operation accurately and effectively. SURPRISE 23. Surprise depends on the initiative and is made more attainable by the versatility of the aerospace power. Where, when or how the enemy is struck is relatively independent of where and how and air force are postured Surprise is air power strongest advantage (air Power doctrine). 24. During Beckaa Valley war the IAF was able to achieve real surprise in the invasion because of Palestinians alert fatigue or cry wolf syndrome. The planed desensitization of PLO and Syrians worked when the IAF actually invaded Lebanon their ninth exercise and found that no real resistance from the PLO and Syrians. The PLO assume that, they had developed a deterrent to an Israelis invasion and the Syrians assumed that an attack to their SAM side is too risky for the IAF based on high losses that IAF suffered in previous conflict. Holding element of surprise in hand, along with good plan and precise intelligent IAF achieved success in Beckaa Valley war. COMMAND, CONTROL AND COMMUNICATION (C3) 25. C3 technology encompasses the capability to acquire, process and disseminate information across the force. The capability must be reliable, provide secure multilevel access, and be protected from enemy attacks. This will require advances not only in computing hardware and software but in the interconnecting fabric of communications. An important point to realize is that C3 is a human function. The method by which command and control is carried out is the C3 system, which serves to augment the cognitive functions of the individual engaged in command and control. A complex C3 system is an integrated combination of people, procedures, and hardware used to enhance the ability of the individual performing command and control. 26. IAF commanders proved that effective C3 is an important ingredient to successfully integrate combined armed effort. The IAF projected the role of C3 as the nervous system and the tactical commanders act as the brain. Two main assets that participate in C3 efforts was Israelis version of Boeing 707 and E-2C Hawkeyes. The Boeing 707 serves primarily as an electronic support measure (ESM) and electronic counter measure (ECM). ESM involves gathering of information while ECM involve in jamming and deception of enemy communication. The E-2C served as airborne command post, on this aircraft the tactical commanders was able to process real time intelligent, develop true picture of the tactical situation, coordinate its offensive assets with the proper timing, monitor the attack live and assess the effectiveness of the attack. SUPPRESSION OF ENEMY AIR DEFENSE 27. Once the training rehearsal completed, sufficient intelligent was gathered and setup of effective C3 is done the IAF went into action. To make a way for easy air battle its important to IAF to launch SEAD operation which is divided into 3 phases. 28. The first phase involve deception which stimulate the Syrians radar into action. The IAF launch RPVs over the target to re-verify the location of the SAM sides and their radar frequencies. The slow speed of the RPVs did not generate interest of the Syrians who thought another training rehearsal is ongoing. Combined with the ground forces the IAF launches Samsons and Delilahs decoys which received attention of Syrians because of the size and speed of this decoys similar to attacking aircraft when viewed on radar screen. IAF also launches these decoys in the direction of the sun to degrade Syrians optical guidance system which leaves them to relay on their radar. The Syrians took the bait as the launch their missiles towards the incoming decoys and increase their vulnerabilities to anti radiation missiles (ARM). The Boeing 707 sensor confirms the Syrians radar was fully activated and when they were on first reloads cycle the second phase was launched. 29. The second phase involved a lot of activities into effective harassment and suppression operation. The Boeing 707 now uses its ECM capability start jamming the Syrians radar. The jamming activites is not only carried out by the Boeing 707 it also involves ground based jammers and airborne jammers located on attach helicopters. Artillery fire with the aim of the targets adjusted by image from the RPVs started to harass the SAM operators. The SAM site also bombarded with 105mm Howitzer cannon and the same time the IAF launches chaff dispensing rockets to emphasis the jamming technique. With radar screen blinded and the operators harassed by the artillery fire, the IAF went into action. The F-4E launches Shrike and standard ARM missiles which homed in on the radar antenna. Once the attack was completed the tactical commanders was able to determine the remaining SAM that need to be destroyed. 30. The final phase of the SEAD operation concentrated on destroying the remaining Syrians SAM. E-2C Hawkeyes now vectored the IAF F-16s, A-4 and Kfir through undefended area to carry out attack on surviving radar vans and SA-6 missiles launchers. The IAF use multiple ammunition in this attack such standoff ammunitions, cluster bombs and general purpose bombs. The Syrians tried to fight back with launching the remaining missile, but due to the jamming effect their missiles lack of target acquisitions and target tracking the was ineffective towards IAF high maneuverable aircraft. THE AIR BATTLE. 31. The Israelis again utilize RPVs, Boeing 707 and E-2C Hawkeyes for the air battle. When the Syrians MiGs takes off from their air field the Israelis commander was able to watch live image feed through the RPVs loitering over head Syrian airfield. The E-2C Hawkeyes also was able to watch the MiGs takeoff using APS-125 radar which able to detect and track target up to 250 miles and ALR-59 passive detection system able to detect and classify target up to 500 miles. Using this advance technology the controller on board of the E-2C Hawkeyes vectored IAF F-15s and F-16s fighter to intercept the Syrian MiGs. The Syrians used Russian fighter tactic which highly dependent on ground controlled intercept (GCI). However, when the Syrians radar and communication line was jammed they were literally become sitting duck for IAF F-15s and F-16 fighter. LESSON LEARNED COUNTER AIR x. Counter air defined as the use of air power to deter, contain or defeat the enemy air forces. It assures the friendly use of the environment while denying its use to an enemy. Counter air roles can be divided into the following roles. x. Offensive counter air (OCA) To destroy, disrupts or confines enemy air power at their source and prevents them from conducting their own counter air campaign. x. Defensive counter air (DCA) Employ interceptors, escorts, armed helicopters or GBAD against enemy forces threatening to engage own forces or facilities or infiltrate our airspace. X. During the Beckaa Valley war the Israelis demonstrated how to apply counter air role in war. They showed how OCA able to achieve air superiority and open a getaway for DCA operation where they carried out the SEAD operation. FORCE APPLICATION x. Armed Reconnaissance is part of operation that carried out for force application roles. Mission is designed to for the purpose of locating and attacking targets of opportunity. It is a form of interdiction against opportunity targets in a designated area or along lines of communication within the battlefield. Control of the electronic spectrum showed how an integrated plan using RPVs, decoys, chaff and anti radiation missiles (ARM) can be used to terrorize the enemy. The ability to control electronic spectrum also will tremendously reduce the losses of friendly aircraft. FORCE ENHANCEMENT It multiplies the combat effectiveness of air and surface forces and increases the ability of these forces in non-combatant roles. The main operations applied at Beckaa Valley are Airborne Early Warning Command (AEWC) which employed using Boeing 707 and E-2C Hawkeye aircraft. Intelligent, surveillance and recce used the RPVs to carry out the mission. Employment of EW using various method, technique and equipment determine the success of IAF The Israelis demonstrated how the proper combination of air and land operation can cause devastating defeat of the enemy. Land based support through jammers, artillery, rocket, and missiles not only contribute but the cause huge damage to Syrian e SAMs. This action shows how important for the nation armed forces to concentrated all the weapon system available to achieve one goal. x. Israelis manage all the assets available to them through effective use of 3C; they demonstrated in any war the access or denial of C3 can make huge difference to determine the success of the mission. Having access to real-time intelligent benefited the Israelis to have better situational awareness and denial the Syrians of C3 create confusion within the Syrian forces and this is become the key for Israelis success at Beckaa Valley. x. Capability of having advance technology compare to your enemy will determine the success of any war. During Beckaa Valley the Israelis is well equipped with advance technology from the Americans. Even tough, the Syrians are equipped with the Russian technology but it is well known that the Russian was never fully transferred their full capability or technology to any country. The F-15 and F-16 is way much superior fighter compare to their adversary the Migs 21 and 23. Losing the C3 causing the MiGs lost direction and become practice target for the Israelis fighter. CONCLUSION It is easier and more effective to destroy the enemys aerial power by destroying his nests and eggs on the ground than to hunt for his flying birds in the air. Gen Giulio Douhet x. The Beckaa Valley war is an operation launched to achieve the Israelis national goal. To achieve this goals the Israelis demonstrated how a proper training, outstanding C3, intelligent gathering, control of electromagnetic spectrum and advance technology able determine the success of a war. RECOMMENDATION TRAINING x. As proven during Beckaa Valley war a proper training will determine the success of the war. RMAF has to plan the training according to the future needs especially paying particular attention into the electronic warfare. EW had to be implied to all officers and others ranks; starting from the basic training, EW should be included in training syllabus of recruits and cadet officers. x. Theory training must continue with practical training so that when the actual conflicts take place the personnel knows what to do. Currently RMAF are conducting EW training at Pusat Latihan Peperangan Khas (PLPE). However, the training which divided into basic and advance training lack of practical training. Lack off assets is a factor contributing factor for lack of practical training. RMAF had to revise the procurement plan so that it will include more EW assets and proper training can be carried out utilizing these equipments. ELECTRONIC WAR FARE SUPPORT CENTER (EWSC) x. EWSC was set up in 1995 to support the HAWK fleet EW operation. However the operations have not achieved its goal due to insufficient equipment. The F-18D has the capability of airborne self protection jammer but this equipment is only operating within the F-18 fleet. The latest procurement of sophisticated fighter the Su-30MKM incorporates the advance EW system; again this system is operating within the Sus. RMAF will not achieve success on EW if the current trend of buying is not changed. Every proposal of new EW system need to be studied thoroughly by EWSC and ensure the procurement can be integrated to all RMAF platforms x. EWSC must play more critical role during peace time. Analysis of data captured is critical for usage during conflict. Proper equipment has to be procured to support more advance function of EWCS. Interoperability between aircraft needs to be improved and RMAF had to make a clear requirement for the future needs so that it will tally by the way the war in future will be fought. ASSETS x. When we talk about assets for future conflict before we make any recommendation lets look of what our neighbors have; Country (Singapore) EW equipment Capability Ground SIGINT Operation Capable of comprehensively and systematically monitor communication out to 2,000 KM around the Island Airborne SIGINT Operation 2 x C-130 equipped with Israelis technology to carry out SIGINT, COMINT, ELINT mission 6 x Fokker-50 Maritime Enforcer Mark-2 maritime patrol aircraft equipped with modern SIGINT system Able to carry out EW mission from Australia, Andaman sea, west coast of Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) 40 X Searcher Mark II Israelis made Scout UAV Able to carry out task/mission that risk to human pilot, slow speed and low penetration will avoid radar detection and carry out SIGINT, ELINT and COMINT mission. Airborne Early Warning 4 X E-2C Hawkeyes Better coverage compare to ground radar and able to become airborne command post. Table 2; Singapore EW capability. x. Based on the table above can we determine where do we stand in term of EW? Are we able to defend our nation if we are under attack? These are some of the question that will hunt RMAF if we do happen to have conflict with our neighbors. Current RMAF assets are not capable of conducting EW campaign, even though we do have some EW elements on HAWK, F-18s and Su-30MKM but the usage is very limited. We recommend that RMAF to look into the future procurement list and start listing the following EW assets if we want to achieve success on EW conflict; x. UAV x. Airborne Early Warning Command System. x. Ground base or airborne based jammer system. X Protection of our communication line through Frequency hopping systems

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Steinbeck?s experience and feelings in Breakfast by John Steinbeck :: essays research papers

Steinbeck’s experience and feelings in "Breakfast" by John Steinbeck John Steinbeck’s stories depict his commiseration and compassion for the down-trodden class. He, in his stories, has summed up the bitterness of the Great Depression decade and aroused widespread sympathy for the plight of migratory farm workers. His style is natural and lucid. The story â€Å"Breakfast† by John Steinbeck is a description of a warm experience he had had. He reminisced about it each time with extra gratification. He kept on refreshing the â€Å"sunken memory† with greater details which presented him with queer blitheness. The author while traveling through the country side early in the morning chanced to meet a family who had fixed their tent down in a valley. He saw a young woman with a baby in her arm, cooking at a cracked, rusty and old iron stove. The writer observed the lady’s movements with great vigilance. He was inspired by the way she was doing her work and at the same time handling the child with absolute ease. The orange fire peeking out of the cracked stove made reflections on the tent which were quite appealing for the author. The author moved towards the stove to warm himself. In the meanwhile, two persons; an old and a young who were more or less alike, came out of the tent. They exchanged salutations with the author. The young woman kept on doing her job. She was frying bacon and baking bread. The two men inhaled deeply the delicious odour and invited the author for the breakfast. They did not ask the writer his name nor about his whereabouts. The young man asked the author if he was picking cotton. The author told him that he was not on job. The bloke told the author with satisfaction that he had been working for twelve days and the young woman added cheerfully that they had got new robes. They thanked to God for providing them with the opportunity to earn a living. They savoured the taste of the nicely concocted breakfast. The old man chewed the food with relish and said, â€Å"God Almighty, it’s good,† and he filled his mouth again. The young man was quite blissful as they had been eating good food for twelve days. The men’s contentment on the food, that though not surfeit and lavish, deeply impressed the writer. The young man told the author that if he wanted a job they could arrange one for him.

I Miss Feeling Uncomfortable :: Personal Narrative Essay Example

I Miss Feeling Uncomfortable Going overseas was indeed one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It has had a lasting impact, an impact I feel every day of my life. After living in Swansea, Wales last year, I had grown accustomed to biking along the Atlantic Coast Bay to class everyday, hiking amongst sheep-littered cliffs, more green than I could imagine, and walking the beach, just a quarter-mile from my dorm, on moonlit nights, contemplating the world and my place in it. However, I had also grown accustomed to days on end without seeing the sun, days without talking to anyone, and daily drenchings from riding an old, rusty bike in the rain, which never seemed to stop. Living such a life, completely out of my comfort zone, not knowing a soul, and not being oriented to my new community, I began to feel very depressed. I questioned why I had come and what I was doing there. I missed my friends, my boyfriend, Dagwood's sandwiches, and driving a car down Kirkwood. I missed feeling comfortable. And the furthe r I sank in this depression, the more compassionate and understanding of the human experience I became. I can now see how someone's emotional state truly affects their outlook on life and how they interact with others on a daily basis. Before this, I honestly had no concept of why people were ever rude, mean, and inconsiderate. Sure, we have all had our bad days, and this can influence how we treat others, but I had never had bad months. And in realizing this, through being depressed from being out of my comfort zone, my capacity for compassion and understanding has grown tremendously. When someone commits an injustice to another human being, instead of so quickly judging them, I slow down and ask, "What is it in their life that is causing them to behave in this way? Where are the feelings stemming from? They must be facing some unhappiness in their life." I can relate on a level I had not known before. This has translated into my job at the Shalom Community Center, and into my dail y life in my interactions with people. It has really affected how I see the world and deepened my understanding of the human experience tremendously. After the first few months of isolation and depression, things did pick up! I began to make new friends who I still keep in contact with, from all over Britain and other exchange students from North America.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

the Problem Of Place In America And my Neighborhood: The Breakdown :: essays research papers

"The Problem of Place in America" and "My Neighborhood": The Breakdown of Community WR 121 Paper #2 In Ray Oldenburg's "The Problem of Place in America" and Ishmael Reed's "My Neighborhood" the authors express thier dissatisfaction with the community. Oldenburg focuses on the lack of a "third place" and the effects of consumerism on the suburbs, while Reed recalls his experience with prejudice communities. Their aim is to identify problems in our society that they find to be a problem. Although neither of these authors offer solutions, the fact that these problems are addressed is enough. Some basic similarities between these two authors is they are both attempting to identify problems in our society today. There are many that are ailing our society at this time, yet I agree with them in their deductions. It seems that they have addressed two of the main ills today, prejudice and consumerism. These keep our communities from becoming unified. Fear is one of the prevalent themes in both essays. In Oldenburg's essay the suburbanite fears the unknown, his neighbors. People feel threatened by the size of the communities and they do not know anyone. These is due partly to consumerism, which keeps people indoors. Reed was feared because of the color of his skin. Dogs would bark at him as he walked by, cops would enter his own home to harass him, people would yell racial slurs, and he was even watched closely to make sure that he did not abduct a child off the street. These fears are a result of the media and our society telling us to fear certain types of people. Television often portrays the black man as a dope dealing slander who hangs out on corners with a forty of "Old E." Soon people begin to believe all that they hear and begin to discriminate against others. One glaring difference in the two authors essays is that they both address the same problem yet they touch on differing aspects. Oldenburg talks about the deterioration of the suburbs. One reason is that there is no third place. This is where we come to grips with our lives, relax, and reflect. This could be a community center, a secluded spot in the woods, or a coffee shop at the corner. The problem is that these places simply do not exist in the suburbs. One must get in their car, use gas, and drive to a place of meeting. This means planning out the whole rendezvous point in advance and making sure that the person you want to meet can be there. Consumerism also keeps the community

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Example Fo a Descriptive Essay Eng 101

Week 4 Assignment: Descriptive Essay John Barkle IV ENG 121 English Composition I Instructor: Antoinette Oesterlein 11/24/12 It is a very merry Christmas. It's my favorite time of year. For some people, Christmas lasts one day. For me it starts the week before Thanksgiving and last the whole month long. I have been celebrating month long Christmases since I was a little boy. My family owns 5 Christmas tree lots, and I have the pleasure of working on our main lot; Deejohn's Christmas Trees in San Mateo.This paper w ill discuss the sites, sounds, and smells of the Christmas tree lot, and how there is no place that says Christmas like a real Christmas tree lot. (Thesis) The first thing you notice is the lights. Most every Christmas tree lot uses the same types of lights. The temporary lighting system uses evenly spaced bare light bulbs strung methodically above each row of trees. This creates an unmistakeable pattern of lights that screams Christmas tree lot.Maybe it is just because I a m so attuned to the business, but I can recognize a Christmas tree lot from a mile away because the way the lights look from a distance is so distinct. Most people probably do not think about it, but next time you are out during the season, keep an eye off into the distance while you drive down the street. I am sure you will understand what I am talking about once you start to look for it. Of course the most distinctive feature of a Christmas tree lot is the trees. We display our trees all in a row,side by side, and sorted by height.As you walk on the lot you notice the trees all grouped together like a little green forest amongst the urban background. Something about the way the trees are arranged in even straight rows, make the little ones want to play hide and seek. Almost every kid who comes on the lot ends up hiding in the trees. Of course every one decorates the place with bright red, green, gold, and silver Christmas ornaments. We have a 5 foot tall inflatable Santa. Standing next to Santa are two 3 feet tall elves, all dress in holiday green and red, with their pointy green elf shoes and red jingle bell hats.The most famous reindeer of all Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer stands with Santa and his elves. One thing that is unmistakable about a real Christmas tree lot is the smell of fresh cut fir trees. One thing you can not get away from on our Christmas tree lot is the music. As I sit and write this essay, I am listening to Bing Crosby singing I'll be home for Christmas over the loud speakers outside the trailer. On our tree lot there is always Christmas music playing. From Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, to The Little Drummer Boy, Christmas music is playing from open to close.To be honest, we all get a little tired of it near the end of the season, but for our customers, it would just not be the same experience with out hot apple cider and Christmas Carols. I can not count the number of times I caught myself humming I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas In J uly. Another sound you hear on the lot all the time is the sound of laughter. Children dart between the rows(even though we tell them to walk for their safety) and giggle when they get â€Å"found† by their siblings and parents. For the most part, a Christmas Tree lot is the happiest place on Earth.There is something about the experience that just lends itself to good cheer. This is the one time of year Mom gets to be as picky as she wants, while Dad just sits back and says â€Å"Yes dear it is a beautiful tree, I think the your mother is going to love it. † Of course Dad always glances at me, rolls his eyes and shrugs as if to say: â€Å"What can I do? It's Christmas! † Almost everyone who comes on the tree lot comments on the fresh smell of pine, and how wonderful it is. What most people realize is there is no pine on our tree lot. All of our trees are Firs.We have Noble Fir, Douglas Fir, and Grand Fir and each has a distinctive smell. The noble fir smells lik e a traditional Christmas tree. The Noble fir smell is the smell most people relate to Christmas trees. The smell of our Douglas Firs is overpowered by the Noble and Grand firs on the lot, but when you take them home they can really perk up your lace with the smell of Christmas. My favorite tree for smell is the Grand Firs. The Grand fir has a vibrant green needle with a silver gray back. The grand fir has a powerful and pungent oil, and it has a vibrant smell that is unmatched by any other live tree I have experienced.Just rubbing a branch on your skin or clothes can leaving you smelling festive for hours. Working on a Christmas tree lot is a dirty business, but I have come home from many another job smelling much worse than I do at the end of a long day on the lot. The sights and smells of Christmas come and go, but the music stays with me the whole year round. Christmas is one time of year that brings families separated by states and nations back together; even if only for a shor t time, and the Christmas Tree Lot seems to be one experience they all seem to agree is positive and fun.From the delicious cinnamon spiced hot apple cider, the pungent aroma of fresh cut fir trees, and the joyous laughter of a game of hide and seek in the trees, a visit to the tree lot is loved and remembered by all. Come visit us, and I bet you will find yourself humming Jingle Bells or Joy to the World all the way home. Whatever you do, don't forget to grab a red and white stripped peppermint candy cane on your way out.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Effects of video games on children Essay

Although video games can increase aggressive behavior, they can improve memory and logistical thinking, as well as teach perseverance. Over the course of the last few decades video games have been integrated into the lives of our children. Video games are very appealing to children of all ages, and even to some adults. There is a variety of video games out there, and they range from educational to very violent. Because of this diverse selection of video games, there is a wide range of positive and negative side effects that these games can have on children. Because a large percentage of our children’s time is spent playing video games, there has been a lot of research in recent years on the positive and negative effects these games have on them. â€Å"Among elementary and middle-school populations, girls play for an average of about 5. 5 hours/week and boys average 13 hours/week,† (Gentile, D. A. 2004). Teenagers also spend a time playing video games. According to Media Analysis Laboratory (1998),†Eighty percent of teens said they played at least occasionally and the average amount of time spent gaming for the sample was 5 hours per week† (para. 19). Video game play has become not only a leisurely pastime for children, but for families also. When parents are not involved in some of their game play the outcome can become a little scary. Children who play video games with their families have a more pro-social attitude compared to their counterparts who play alone. Children who are less social or somewhat anti-social tend to develop aggressive tendancies when spending long hours gaming alone especially when violent video games are involved. Video games have been shown to increase aggressive behavior in some children. Neubert, S. P. (2004) said, â€Å"Individuals high in hostility are more likely to become aggressive when exposed to violent video games. † â€Å"Games in which the only positive outcome is the violent demise of enemies reinforces anti-social behavior. Violent video games desensitize people to aggression,† (Neubert, S. P. , 2004). According to a study done by Douglas A. Gentile. References Media Analysis Laboratory (1998). Video game culture: Leisure and play preferences of B. C. teens. Retrieved from http://www. media-awareness. ca In-Text Citation 1. [Insert the paraphrased material] (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby B. C. , 1998). 2. The Media Analysis Laboratory (1998) website [Insert the paraphrased material]. 3. , â€Å"[Insert the quotation]† (para. 19).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Moontrap by Don Berry

It was on the 23rd day of January in the year 1932 at Rosewood Falls, MN when an award – winning author was born.   Don Berry (1932 – 2001), the author of the novel entitled Moontrap has been the recipient of the Spur Award, Western Writers of America, 1963 for best historical novel (University of Oregon Libraries, 2008).   Berry can be best remembered for the lasting influence as well as the universality of the themes of the stories he wrote.   Just before the final days of his life, Berry continued to be a success as an author.   This statement holds true as Berry concluded his â€Å"spore, Berryworks,† – that which was considered to be his masterpiece (Don Berry, 2000).   Berry’s Moontrap is a novel about a man caught between his lucid past and his vague future.   The Oregon territory serves as the setting of his trilogy following the Trask (Oregon State University Press, 2004).   His works, which include novels and science fiction short stories, lean towards the western genre.   It was the publication of his three novels which has secured him a reputation for having a tight grasp of the American Pacific Northwest history.The adventure stories he wrote shed light on the damaging effects of impinging white population on the Native American population.   Berry’s first ever novel, the Trask has been a stunning success of mature writing in the year 1960.   Following the Trask was Moontrap, his second novel.   Though it has not been equally commended as its predecessor, Moontrap is considered to be exceptional than the Trask (University of Oregon Libraries, 2008).If there was a population to be considered as the one most devoted reading group it would be none other than the people of the Pacific Northwest.   Reasons to support this claim is one too many.   For one, there is the long gray winter in the western part of the Cascades.   This weather encourages warm and dry indoor activities.   If there is the long gray winter of the west, there’s the seclusion of the ranching region at the mountain’s east.   If these would still not suffice, there is the lavishness and variety of the crops produced by the riches of the regional publishers (Garmen, 2008).It is our improved connection with these communities essential to our future which causes us a relief in our sense of selfishness and seclusion.   Many other unique publishers find an opulent and generous home at the Pacific Northwest.   This can be attributed to the region’s open spaces of mind and geography (Garmen, 2008).Oregon owes its publicity to the missionaries and fur traders.   They are the ones who made Oregon familiar to the American population.   The year was 1840 when a great deal of people broke new ground as they begun to come by the Oregon Trail to the Willamette Valley.   Most of the pioneers trace their origins from the Middle West farms.   Their exodus has been brought b y the ruthless weather condition and recurring sickness, national depression which began in the year 1837.   There where some who only sought for adventure, though.   For the majority, however, it was the search for a better material life than what they have which has driven them out of their homeland to the Willamette Valley.Young businessmen from the Northeastern cities wanted to engage in the mercantile business as a form of livelihood in the urban areas of Oregon.   These people consists the minority of Oregon emigrants during the pre – Civil War period.   It was during the 1850s when Chinese immigrants came to the gold fields at the south of Oregon.   Even before the Civil War, African Americans can already be found at Oregon (Garmen, 2008).The pre – Civil War Oregon’s political life was for the most part, was based upon local issues.   The majority party consisted of the Democrats.   The Republicans as well as the Whigs do have their respecti ve followers.   The most important national concern during that time was whether slavery should be extended to the federal territories.   Oregonians of the pioneer era busy themselves in farming.   It was also during this time when Portland, the major city started to emerge.   Other towns sprang up, thereafter.Oregonians traded lumber, wheat and cattle to California in exchange for gold.   With respect to the Oregonian’s cultural life, schools, colleges and churches were set out.   It was during the 1850s when Indian wars were ignited.   This was brought about by the gold miners who broke out the Rogue River War (1855 – 1856) as they find their way to south Oregon.   White farmers invaded the Indian lands at other parts of Oregon.   This event brought the Indians on reservation.   It was at the central Oregon during 1855 when the Warn Spring Reservation was founded for the Wasco, Walla Walla and the Paiutes (Garmen, 2008).A transitional period in th e New Oregon Territory happened during the 1850s.   It was during this time when the settlers and lawmakers were working to control the uncivilized region.   A white man who goes by the name Johnson â€Å"Jaybird† Monday has been living on a bend of the Willamette River near Oregon City.   Monday was a former mountain man.   He lives with his wife, Mary Deer Walking, who is about to give birth to their first child.   Walking, a common – law, Shoshone Indian has been married to Monday for seven years.The couple wrestles to find their place in the settled society.   Webster â€Å"Webb† T. Webster, Monday’s old friend, paid a sudden visit one summer morning.   Webster is a strident and unremorseful trapper.   He has a crude humor and a stubborn obedience to the simple life (Oregon State University Press, 2004).   He has no other frills of civilization (Tillabooks, 2006).   It was him who led Monday through adventures which leaned dangerou sly close to lawlessness.   It was through their misadventures which led Monday towards a rediscovery of his moral core.   Monday’s life takes us on a journey through rebelliousness, feat and misfortune (Oregon State University Press, 2004).Moontrap gives an account of the conflict one man confronts in maintaining his old habits or fashioning a new life.   It is a splendidly humorous comic and deeply moving rendition of the life in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon State University Press, 2004).   It was a mixture of tough play, wit, lyric romance and the cruel realities of life (cited in Oregon State University Press, 2004).   It follows Monday on his quest towards the realization that renouncing the austere honesty of mountain life for the bargain of civilization is a high a price to pay, indeed (Oregon State University Press, 2004).The idea that a Shoshone Indian who is married to a white man and is about to give birth to their first born does not rest well with the authority that be, the powers of civilization who seemingly have the power over the fate of the region.   This stark reality confronted Monday face to face as the judge refuse to record the name of Monday’s son otherwise.   â€Å"The judge insists on writing out the birth certificate as: Father: Johnson Monday, White.   Mother: Mary Deer Walking, Shoshone Indian.   Child: Webster, son of Mary Deer Walking, Shoshone Indian, Bastard.†Ã‚   This reminded Monday that as he was once a mountain man, he will remain a mountain man (Tillabooks, 2006).Moontrap leaves its readers the haunting questions like: What transpires of the mountain man when he arrives at the final verge?   When the time comes that the Oregon territory has been established and America meets the Pacific, what remains to be the vestiges of old?     Ã‚  (Tillabooks, 2006).The powerful forces of civilization are left to squeeze out what if left of that freedom.   As the account of the conclusion of an epoch, the last of the moral fiber of the mountain man, as civilization sweeps on the Oregon territory.   â€Å"Just as you can’t trap the reflection of the moon in a moving pool of water, so you can’t preserve the freedom of the old ways of life† (Tillabooks, 2006).ReferencesDon Berry. 2000. Berryworks. Retrieved February 1, 2008 from Space Publications, Inc. 2008. Publishing in the Northwest. Retrieved February 2, 2008from State University Press. 2004. Moontrap by Don Berry. Retrieved January 31, 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   from 2006. Moontrap by Don Berry. Retrieved February 2, 2008 from of Oregon Libraries. 2008. Subject guide to papers of major literary figures in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Manuscript collectio ns. Retrieved January 31, 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Eastern Foods Essay

Introduction You need to do the same research and prepare before open a new restaurant. As a member of UK planning team, I need to provide a report about the challenges facing Eastern Foods in next few months, which is very important thing for starting your business. AS the saying goes, everything is hard in the beginning, to open a new restaurant, it will certainly encounter problem. For example, there is no way to attract customers at a loss or gain customers but no profits which lead restaurant have a normal business. Furthermoreï ¼Å'complaint due to food safety issues. Next, recruitment and post-training. For a manager, it is also essential psychological qualitiesï ¼Å'and can clarify the problem & make logical decisions and take the initiative & respond flexibly to change situations. Hence, writing a report can help you know that what issues you will meet and let you can do psychological preparation. The challenges  HRM Human resource management (HRM, or simply HR) is the management process of an organization’s workforce, or human resources. It is responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of employees, while also overseeing organizational leadership and culture and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws. (WIKIPEDIA, 2014) Thus, developing Eastern Foods which need the HR department must prepare in advance and qualified candidates to start. We need make a plan to attract people join us, and we will face the choice of employees that what we need employees, managers, chef and waiter or other to do and they must meet our satisfactions. Whether the recruitment of employees and compliance with labour laws and the principles of justice. Organization is not a simple tree, pulp, machinery or inventory. Human resources management involves the application of management functions and principles. Its function is applied to the recruitment, mining, maintenance, and reward employees. The staff’s decision must be adjusted. On different aspects of the decision-making of employees, it must compete with other human resources (HR). Decisions will certainly affect the validity of a restaurant. The effectiveness of an organization must lead to improved services to customers at a reasonable cost to provide in the form of high-quality products. Accounting Accounting will directly affect the financial restaurant, a clear accounts will undoubtedly bring many convenient restaurants. The results reflect the elements of corporate accounting. 1. Revenue Income is an enterprise formed in daily activities, which will lead to an increase in owner’s equity and the total inflow of capital has nothing to do with the economic interests of the owner of inputs. 2. Costs Cost refers to an enterprise in their daily activities, which will lead to decrease in owner’s equity, and profit has nothing to do with the distribution of the total outflow of economic benefits to the owner. 3 Profit Profit is an enterprise in a certain accounting period operating results. Net income includes profit after subtracting expenses, gains and losses directly recognized in current profit and so on. Directly included in the current profit gains (Gain) or loss (Loss), which shall be included in profit or loss that refers to will lead to changes in the occurrence of changes in owners’ equity, and the owner of the invested capital or profits unrelated to the owner or the distribution of profits loss. Marketing Marketing is an important part of business operations and includes a number of different activities. Marketing is now seen as essential to the success not only of manufactures, retailers, and other businesses but also of government agencies, hospitals, law offices, schools, and churches. (James Burrow, 2008). We need to do some research before open a new restaurant. The first aim of marketing is to create customers, acquire and maintain customers; To consider how to effectively compete head to defeat invincible from a long-term perspective; Focusing on market research, collecting and analysing large amounts of information under the change of environment and market, and the only way has to make the right decisions in different cases; such as Active promoting innovation, which is proportional to the degree and effect; Conducted in a changing decisions, which requires its makers have a strong ability like entrepreneurs insight, discernment and decisiveness.  Henceï ¼Å'We need to consider how to expand our market to attract customers. Operations Management Everything seemed ready, the restaurant will begin operations management. Operations management is targeted at operational processes and operational systems. Operations management is an investment operation process, convert, process also is a labour process or value-added process, which is the first large object operations, operators must consider how to carry out operational activities such as production planning, organization and control. If the operator improper control which easily lead restaurants into a loss situation. Operations Management deals with the design and management of products, processes, services and supply chains.ï ¼Ë†MITSloan managementï ¼Å'2014ï ¼â€° The main objective of enterprise operations management is to control quality, cost, time and flexibility, which is the fundamental source of corporate competitiveness. Therefore, operations management has an important role in the business. Operational departments will face these challenges, and propose specific work goals, developing specific means to achieve goals and approaches, clear goals. Key issue Accounting Accounting is the currency of the main units of measurement, using a range of specialized methods, accounting and supervision of an economic management of a unit of economic activity, which is designed to provide accounting information and economic efficiency. Accounting work is an important guarantee for improving cooperate governance, which requires to have some work experience in professional accounting staff to help managers of restaurants, and can earn more profits for the restaurant. A simple order to load the software onto your computer (see appendix I), or a suitable business accounting software also is very important (see appendix â… ¡). And in the eyes of many, business accounting is the general accounting bookkeeping, accounting reports afterwards and not specifically involved in the management of the business, even if part of the work involved in business management, but also the financial managers who do it. In fact, divided by the statements of accounting methods for other management staff provides company information, directly or indirectly involves in the company of  management. Whether it is cost accounting, reimbursement, billing or accounting, cooperate insiders budget execution and supervision of the first person, from material procurement to sales outstanding, adoption of the budget, compare prices, credit management, indicators and contrast. Accounting oversight fulfill all the functions, which all involved in corporate management. There are two questions to discuss. First, does not pay attention to the overall budget. The budget only stays in budget, completely ignoring the fee budget. Companies are not able to master the use of a comprehensive budget implementation status of strategic objectives, resulting in a waste of corporate finance, food, and human and other resources. Catering enterprises due to lack of effective overall budget, which is not able to adjust business strategy in a timely manner in accordance with market changes. Next, accounts of chaotic management, accounting is not timely. Many food and beverage companies with a breakdown of the property chronological mix of raw materials. For the food and beverage industry is concerned there will be a lot of consumables, and many companies do not have this set up a separate subsidiary ledgers. As the catering business for the accounts do not pay attention, for a serious lack of original documents, certificates and registration does not match the original accounts. Financial accounting irregularities exist very original certificate changes, account card can’t be consistent. Such as consistent account statement, account match the reality, in line account statement. Accounts of accounting is not timely, resulting in a breakdown of the accounts do not match with the total accounts. Marketing That marketing. This post is divided into two types, one is called front-end marketing, the other is called the back-end marketing. Both the role and position are different, qualities and abilities needed to be different. Front-end sales and marketing in order to serve as the core of the sales company, which is responsible for market development and promotion to stimulate customer demand, they did no matter how the product is manufactured, just out of the product promotion. Of course, a good front-end marketing staff will promptly to customer WHO needs feedback to the back-end marketing AND go to help understand the various back-end marketing target market dynamics and customer needs. The back-end marketing, research and  development in manufacturing as the core segment, the pre-market survey is responsible for product definition and development, which is to understand the market, understand the competition, understand target customers, and according to the market, customers and co mpetition to complete the new product Definition – a complete description of the product-specific documentation. All aspects of the catering business activities are inseparable from the consumers , constantly studying and changing consumer demand , while consumer demand to develop and deliver the food to adapt products to meet consumer demand which has become a synonym for catering business large operators how to treat customers, employees continue to instill the concept of the right customers ; small staff of each service , customer preferences are all trying to figure out to do market positioning , we must figure out who is your target customer and What are their characteristics, such as income, spending habits, . Then we develop targeted promotion. Do not blind pursuit of high profits, location, price, and features which are not unified, and cost less than consumer expectations, completely ignoring consumer psychology and consumer needs of the guests. Not with changes in market conditions and the relative adjusted so that the food does not adequately reflect the variety of price point factor in the difference in price, guests can’t adapt to the different needs of consumer motivation. In today’s technologically advanced world, such as the Internet, wechat, facebook, buy, review sites, etc. These fashion marketing, restaurant operators are embodied acclimatized. Which always wanted a simple way to accomplish more complex thing. Bosses nothing wrong result, and one-sided emphasis on the results without knowing basically failed process. Restaurant carrying out marketing activities in the process, there will be adverse environmental factors leading to damage or failure, so you must know how to transform strain markets, strengthen research marketing environment, the establishment of risk prevention and treatment agencies, face risk head-on, and improve the quality of restaurant employees. Conclusion The restaurant industry is extremely competitive. It’s difficult to be and stand out amongst the hundreds, if not thousands, of other restaurants in your local area; whether it’s the food, customer service or brand, customers will consistently critique your restaurant and even the smallest error could stir up a storm. (Sammy Jo, 2013) Opening new restaurants, will face many challenges, first, to choose a good location which can bring more customers, and also make it easier for customers to remember your restaurant, then the product positioning, elect their own signature dishes can be customized with the positioning of the menu. Then, it can be renovated, rising consumer demand of customers, store environment position in restaurants has become increasingly high, a good environment, and sometimes can be a key factor in the success of the restaurant. This comes into play when the external environment. The human resources department is responsible for hiring, and training employees on the audit. Then for the restaurant staff to begin custom equipment, such as kitchen equipment, customer use chopsticks, etc, which is the soul of a leader, and the organization is a corporate body. Organizational strategy is to create and run a business which is not only an internal team competition THAT needs external lateral and vertical industry chain to support the organization’s business, because the strategy is implemented by the organization. Excellent organizational strategy, first set aggressive strategies and goals, and implementation strategies needed to build possess excellent organizational effectiveness of the implementation of the system, and continue to temper their own sustainable development, building efficient enterprises to continue to promote a positive goal. Restaurant management also needs leaders who will link together the various departments, and less any one department will lead to failure, therefore, whether it is accounting, marketing, human resource management or operational management which will even encounter different challenges that we must face yes, because they are an essential part of the restaurant. Reference 1. Sammy Jo. 2013 Challenges of Operating a Restaurant. LERA BLOG. Weblog [Online] 24/07. Available from: [Accessed 24th March 2014] 2. WIKIPEDIA, (2014) Human resource management. Available at: [Accessed 24th March 2014] 3. James Burrow, (2008) Marketing. 4. MITSloan managementï ¼Å'ï ¼Ë†2014ï ¼â€°What is operations managementï ¼Å¸. Available at: [Accessed 26th March 2014] Appendix I Source: â… ¡ Sourceï ¼Å¡