Wednesday, October 30, 2019

COMAIR Regional Airlines Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

COMAIR Regional Airlines - Case Study Example The regional airline COMAIR, a subsidiary of Delta Air Lines, which serves routes in the United States, Canada and Europe is poised to become very competitive and profitable in 2010. COMAIR currently has 5,800 dedicated aviation professionals and services 511 daily flights to about 77 international and domestic destinations. The COMAIR is the preferred airline of choice by most business travellers and frequent travellers as it offers affordable airfares. COMAIR has gone from strength to strength by rapidly rolling out international routes and additional services for the customers. Another important cost factor for regional airlines is the national and local taxes imposed by the US government. Most countries treat airlines like cash cows by levying national prerogatives and taxes on them that results in higher costs of doing business. Another positive trend is that inspite of the US recession, the regional airlines do offer the safest form of transportation. Although US airlines carry 3.5 million passengers annually, the accident rate is very low compared to the accident rates of motor vehicles and maritime vessels. Another interesting and positive development is that air travel has improved its safety record over time. New US airline jets have more safeguards and safety measures which help minimize untoward accidents on air and on the ground. Among the interesting market players in the US airlines industry is COMAIR. For instance, COMAIR has been effective in four general areas of operations: 1) winning customers; 2) maintaining its fleet in excellent condition; 3) close relations with its pool of human resources, 4) keeping its finances viable. In general, COMAIR's is able to grow its equity over time (McCabe, 1998)COMAIR has increased international capacity by 15 percent in 2008 to address increasing demand. (International Herald Tribune, June 4, 2008) The company has consistently upgraded its fleet on a yearly basis. As regards its salary expenses, Comair's flight attendants have approved a US$7.9 million dollars in wage cuts intended to help the company recover from its financial difficulties. Fourth, COMAIR has been able to manage its finances well. The company has managed to keep unit revenues up and unit costs down. The airlines fly all their available seats, hence, the company managers try to increase their unit revenues on a quarterly basis. The COMAIR managers understand that most of the airline's costs are fixed. Approximately ten percent of costs go to services such as airport fees and air navigation services fees. Labor costs take up an average of 38 percent in the United States. Hence, the COMAIR managers have focused on decreasing the unit cost to bring down operations cost.In addition, the managers continue to manage near-term liquidity pressures. Cash collateral posting requirements had a material impact on its unrestricted cash positions since 2008. Delta Air Lines, stated on Dec. 2, 2008 that its projected cash collateral posting requirement at Dec. 31, 2008 would be approximately US $1.1 billion dollars.In response to the situation of the parent company, C OMAIR is focused on improvements in free cash flow as the key to liquidity preservation. In addition, the company has scaled-back aircraft financing commitments and has

Monday, October 28, 2019

Nothing Gold Can Stay Essay Example for Free

Nothing Gold Can Stay Essay The poem â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay,† by Robert Frost, uses a abcb rhyme scheme to cleverly explain natures downfall, due to gold, in the world. The author begins by showing that nature’s true color is green, however, due to man’s greed they only see gold. Being that nature supplied the earth with gold, man should respect it and give back. Instead the author depicts that nature is stripped of her importance and sad therefore the dawn goes down to day meaning instead of the weather staying beautiful, like it does in the morning, it turns to the hot, muggy afternoon. On the last line the author says, â€Å"Nothing gold can stay† (914), because mans inability to let go of greed is destroying our planet. The author also uses figurative language to reveal the poem’s meaning. In the beginning of the poem he personifies nature into a female so that the audience better understands natures pain and suffering due to humans greedy ways. Also, he uses imagery to paint the picture of the garden of Eden sinking to grief meaning that nature is in duress and even the first garden known to man is on the verge of destruction unless we change our ways. Lastly the author uses a metaphor comparing green to gold by saying â€Å"Natures first green is gold† (914), explaining that green is the symbol of life and prosperity. For example money is green and when nature is described green typically comes to mind. But he says gold is the first green because all humans care about is gold and as a result they are giving it greater importance than nature, our source of life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Home Burial: Gender Roles In Grief Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When it comes to dealing with grief there are very distinct gender roles. In a marriage or a relationship there is always the so-called strong one who never shows any emotion, which is usually the male. Then there is what people call the drama queen, who often lets her emotions control her entire life; more than likely this describes the woman in the relationship. In this poem, â€Å"Home Burial†, Amy and her husband fit these gender roles perfectly. They argue about the way grief should be express and fail to see it from the other’s point of view.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We learn that Amy’s sorrow began from the moment that she saw her husband â€Å"making the gravel leap into the air† (982) as he dug the grave. She believed through what she saw him do that he could have no â€Å"feelings† (982). This forces Amy to go to â€Å"somebody else† (983) and share her feelings instead of bonding with her husband, who also shares the loss, but remains unable to discuss it. Amy needs to express her feelings with somebody who feels her pain, and she thinks that her husband is not capable of doing such a thing. Later in the poem, she goes onto say that she doesn’t think that any man can do such a thing. This shows the way that many people perceive men to be unable to show their feelings as easily as women do. It isn’t as if they cannot feel, but it is that they have difficulty expressing their emotions as freely as women do. Part of this can be blamed upon the way that...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Week Assessment

Leading is how a manager gets employees to get their work done to the best of their abilities, influence good work habits, and support the goals of employees for his or her journey either personally or within the organization. How these functions apply to managing others or even yourself in your current or previous job. This student employs the major functions of management in this students current position on a daily basis. Organization is a natural progress in maintaining a good work environment for this student.Others in management struggle with this function, but it is vital in maintaining a daily flow and progress of records for budgeting. Planning for future events, meetings, and time-off for employees is essential to maintaining office schedules and time management. This student maintains the physicians lily, weekly, and vacation schedules so that there are minimal problems with scheduling patient appointments and administrative meetings. Controlling is a new task that this st udent deals with in minimal measure.This student is the contact person in the office because the office is in transition with management in our office. This student updates the interim manager on the needs and issues in our office on a daily and weekly basis giving her the ability to manage her multiple offices without being onsite. Leading is a natural process for this student. In the past, this student has been the anger of our private practice but, with the transition to being a hospital owned office that role has evaporated to the established management team within the organization.The staff still comes to this student with problems and guidance this student is limited to what this student can do but try to help the staff as much as this student can. The most important role for a health care manager and leader in the diversified health care industry. In the opinion of this student, the most important role for a health care manager is leadership. Managers rely on their staffs to do the duties given to hem So that the manager can focus on Other tasks.It is imperative that staff take on tasks and duties that the manager needs the outcomes of the results for the reports the manager has to submit to higher management. Giving staff duties also helps create an integrated office where the staff feels involved with the management processes that have been unobtainable in past management styles. The most significant aspect related to health care management that you want to gain by taking this class. The most significant aspect related to health care management that this student want to gain from this class is how to use my style of management onto effective leadership.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Biblical Worldview Essay Essay

We all have a set of values and beliefs that help shape the way we view the world. While many of us can share the same tools that shape our worldview; everyone’s is unique to themselves. Romans 1-8 provides valuable teaching regarding the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture. These 4 categories make up the majority of the world and life as we know it. As Christians, this passage in the Bible should hold a great influence on our worldview. I will outline what Romans 1-8 teaches us about each category and how that affects my personal view of the world. As Christians, we know that God created the universe and everything in it by simply speaking. Everything in His creation attests to Him and His glory. This allows people who may never actually hear about Christ to still be able to see Him through creation. There is a verse in Luke 19:40 that goes on to say that even the rocks will cry out if everyone is silent. Romans 1:20 says, â€Å"For since the crea tion of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.† Through the natural world, God has provided a way to show Himself to all mankind. When I am out in nature on a beautiful quiet day I can feel the Lord’s presence. When I am on a ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean watching the sun set, I can see the Lord. I am young and have not yet seen many of the natural wonders of this world. I have seen enough though to know that God is present throughout nature. I don’t understand how a person could look out on a beautiful scene of nature and not feel God. He truly does speak through the beauty of His creation. Our human identity is who we believe ourselves to be. Without God I know that I am a destitute and wicked creature. We are capable unspeakable evils. I have hope though through my redemption. I know that any good thing I do or obtain is not of myself but from God. God created us in His image so we can catch a glimpse of what He is truly like. However, as humans we are wicked and evil in heart. Nothing but the love of C hrist can save us. Romans 3:10-18 clearly lines just how unrighteous and devoid of hope we are within ourselves. This passage shows us our true human identity without Christ. We have hope though because we have been given Christ! Romans 8:26 tells us that Christ intercedes for us at the feet of God. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ once we accept Him!  (Romans 8:35) Relationships make up a huge part of our lives. The Bible has a lot to say about relationships and how to treat one another. Relationships make an enormous impact on our world view because we are influenced by the people in our lives. Romans 1:28-32 lists the evils things that we do to one another such as envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, and gossip. This is just a fraction of the sins that cause us to have damaged relationships with each other and ultimately God. How could you come before God and expect a good relationship if you have a broken relationship with someone in your life? Jesus teaches us to love one another and forgive over and over. When your heart is hardened towards another person, then you are u ltimately hurting your own relationship with God as well. The second chapter in Romans cautions us against judging others. We have to treat one another the way we would want to be treated; with kindness and mercy. We also have to be careful about what kind of people we have relationships with. If you surround yourself with evil people then you will be influenced to do evil. During the time that Paul was writing Romans, there was a religious hierarchy in place. The Pharisees were the leaders and aristocrats in the Jewish community. They were extremely strict and followed a huge list of rules. They were so caught up in their rules that they couldn’t open their hearts and minds to Jesus. Also at this time it was widely believed that only the Jewish community could be saved through following the rules and the Gentile population was doomed. Romans 3:23-25 teaches us that, â€Å"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.† Jesus death paved the way for everyone to be saved, not just the Jews! We learn that we are saved through faith and not by works. We can never earn our salvation. Today’s culture in America is so focused on material possessions and gaining more. We are caught up in our shiny toys and items much like the Pharisees were caught up in their rules. We have to stop getting caught up in things that don’t really matter and see what God is trying to use us for. We all have a purpose and a reason for being here. If you are not living your life to further God’s message than you are wasting it. Our culture today makes it so easy to forget what we are really supposed to be living for. As Christians we must be vigilant and not let the snares of this world snag our heart and divert it from our true calling. Everyone has their own unique  view of the world and reasoning for their views. Christians build their world view with the structure that the Bible has provided us. Paul writes about the natural world, our identity as people, how to treat others, and about the culture of the world. We are not perfect and can never hope to be but the grace of Jesus offers us salvation. Romans 8:12 reminds us that we have an obligation to live a life through the Spirit and not by the flesh. Every day we must work harder and strive for righteousness and a Christ-like attitude. Our worldview affects the way we live and can have an impact on all those around us. The better our worldview, the better our light will shine for Christ.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Colonialism in The Tempests First Two Scenes Essays

Colonialism in The Tempests First Two Scenes Essays Colonialism in The Tempests First Two Scenes Essay Colonialism in The Tempests First Two Scenes Essay Essay Topic: The Tempest While reading the first two acts of the tempest, the reader could easily be lead to believe that Shakespeare intended this to be laid on a foundation of colonialism. There is much to suggest this opinion is correct, and it is one that has only with in the past century or so been discussed. It was during the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods that the discovery of the new worlds took place. The invasion of the Americas is an example of a newly discovered land that under the rule of several European powers became little more than exploitation and literal rape of land and people. All of these world developments took place in and around Shakespeares life time, and it would be foolish to think that such an intellectual would fail to make a social comment within his work or otherwise. This is the nature of what we call a colonialist text. The native inhabitants of the new worlds were looked upon as utterly inferior, and were in many cases believed to be another species altogether. They were made to be slaves, with a purpose that solely consisted of serving the white man. This is very noticeable motif throughout the play, and the best example of this is when Caliban (the inferior native) and Prospero (the magician and settler) exchange meetings. It is obvious that Prospero sees Caliban as a worthless creature, with no rights or purpose but to attend him. He does make our fire, fetch our wood, and serves in offices that profit us This is a quote from Prospero as he tells Miranda that no matter how terrible Caliban is, he does their bidding. What you may not notice in this sentence is the use of Our. Prospero talks of the islands fruits as his own, as if he is the owner of all he sees. This is of course not true. We know that it is Caliban himself who has lived on the island with his mother Sycorax longer than the Magician or his daughter. Therefore if any one should be named the owner of the island it is the native himself. Caliban becomes incredibly vocal about this at points, and states exactly what I have been mentioning; The islands mine by SycoraxWhich thou takest from meand I showed thee all the qualities oth isle. Here he says that he inherited the island when his mother died, and Prospero stole it even after he had shown him all the qualities that the island held. This deception can be seen in every colonised community, from the Spanish destruction of the Aztec culture, to the reclaiming of land from the nomad tribes of the Americas. Colonisers would extract the knowledge of the natives, usually under the pretence of friendship, and after they had exploited them for all they were worth, they would enslave them. As a side matter, it is quite interesting when you examine how prospero describes Sycorax. It is as a blue-eyed hag. This is rather strange, as she is said to be from Algeria and therefore does not fit the stereotype. Blue eyes later became associated with people of Anglo-Saxon heritage, and in some African cultures blue eyes and blonde hair are seen to be signs of the devil (or at least evil). There are several conclusions we could come to; one is that Sycorax was banished from Algeria due to her race. This view corresponds with Shakespeares use of hyphens (Blue-eyed). Some critics believe that his use of this device is implemented to depict the ever-changing reality and sense of wonder through the words instability. Another view is that the blue eyes actually refer to something other than her eye colour. Pregnancy is a distinct possibility; in previous years having blue eyelids was seen to be a sign of being with child. This is most likely, as we know that Sycorax eventually gave b irth to Caliban, Prosperos lowly slave. A very good and well-known example of the manipulation of a people comes in Americas primary national holiday, thanksgiving. It was a case of the ignorant settlers learning how to cultivate the staple diet of wheat, rye and other plants so they could gain the upper hand on their teachers. At the time the natives as saw it as a genuine offering of alliance when the settlers sat down at dinner and shared Turkey. It was not and shortly afterwards they slaughtered them, in the same cowardly way that Prospero caged his native. There is an elitist air to Prospero that is reflective of the general character of a European settler. This is representative within his language; on several occasions it is apparent that he and his daughter Miranda feel that their position and colour means they are superior to other characters. I pitied thee when thou didst not, savage, know thine own meaning, but wouldst gable like a thing most brutish. This is just one example of how both Prospero and Miranda feel they are above Caliban in every way. I pitied thee suggests that there is a definite feeling of Calibans being little more than an animal, something that could just as well be disabled due to his form. When Miranda says gable like a thing most brutish she is referring to Calibans dialect before she honoured him with a civilised language. This does nothing for our esteem of Miranda. Her stalwart belief that any gabling but that of her own tongue is wrong only shows her ignorance. To be denied language is to be denied thought, and without thought we are nothing. The fact Miranda believes that Caliban had previously not had a language is absurd. Caliban replies to this illogical idea by saying you taught me language, and my profit ont is I know how to curse. It was not unusual for the snobbish settlers to believe that anyone who did not speak English, Spanish or any other European language was utterly substandard and dim-witted. Pitied is a word often applied to people who make you feel more significant. You would not pity someone who had just fallen over, you may feel sorry for them, but their tripping would not make you despise them to the point of pity. Calibans form, as it is described in the play, is one of an earthy monster and Prospero even goes so far as to say (A freckled whelp, hag-born) not honoured with a human shape. When the white man first laid eyes on the black man in Africa, they were instantly worried. The general consensus was that these creatures were not even human and were, in fact, another species altogether. It is a distinct possibility that Shakespeare intended this to be apparent. Whether or not he believed that Africans were another species is debatable, as this view would have been quite acceptable, but what is quite apparent is that (if indeed this is a colonialist text) he believes that they deserve rights. Another comparison that can be made between Prosperos Elitism and colonialism in the mid 16th century comes when talking to Ariel this time. Ariel is Prosperos other slave, but there is a mutual respect for each other, as Ariel is a creature of great beauty and significant power. Prospero from Sycorax freed Ariel, and as thanks offered his service for a full year. Thou my slave, as thou reportst thyself, was then her servant. Although Prospero has a respect for Caliban, he ensures that he stays in his place. It is as if the magician has made Ariel jump from one frying pan into another fire, as he now serves Prospero, and is still a slave. You could compare this to the evangelical Christians, who travelled the world in an attempt to convert savages to what they perceived to be the morally superior way of the lord. It could be said that colonialism was in itself a religious crusade, a way for Europeans to convert the heathens to what they believed to be the correct path. It is evident in The Tempest that Caliban has been indoctrinated to the point of believing Prospero to be all-powerful. I must obey; his art is of such power it would control my damns god Setebos it is not mentioned what power Setebos holds but from Calibans experience his Master is more powerful. Prosperos main power appears to be an ability to control nature itself; he is in control of Ariel, a nymph of great beauty which hails from the clouds above, and Caliban, a monster of hideous visage, who crawls close to the ground and is the colour of the earth. These two slaves represent his overall control; we know he can conjure great storms and give or take life as he pleases. It is understandable why Caliban in particular may see the mage as a god like figure (as that is how he is presented for a large section of the play), and it is reflective of the awe that many natives felt when first laying eyes on the pale faces. They would swagger of their monstrous ships, with weapons and finery that would impress any man. The problem would come when it became apparent that the natives were quite impressionable and willing to learn. The manipulation that would follow could well stretch as far as to create a belief that the white man was god. It is not even as if this is a phenomenon that died with slavery. In the first half of the 20th century, black American school children were taught in class that they werent important, and had no history worthy of teaching. The early settlers used this effectively as a smoke screen that would prevent any uprising or questioning of their rule. This is just what Prospero does, but he also employs a fear factor to enforce his power. I feel that throughout this play there is much to suggest that it is indeed a text with strong colonialist links, but it is not the only motif that can be extracted. It is true that that what I first noticed was that a lot of references could be drawn in relation to the New World conquests of the 15th and 16th centuries. However, on closer examination I began to think that there was a meaning a little deeper rooted. I felt this was a tale of how power corrupts. Firstly we see how in the first scene Gonzalo goes as far as to feel he need hang the Boatswain due to a single comment he made. Later on we hear of how Prosperos beloved brother betrays him over the ownership of Milan, and after this we see Prospero become more and more aggressive towards, in particular, Caliban, just as a means to make him feel more powerful. These two points interlink very well, but can also be examined as separate issues, and I feel that if I had gone into my reading with other expectations I could have drawn out an entirely different argument.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sci241 Week 1 Assignment Healthy Eating Plan.Doc Essays

Sci241 Week 1 Assignment Healthy Eating Plan.Doc Essays Sci241 Week 1 Assignment Healthy Eating Plan.Doc Essay Sci241 Week 1 Assignment Healthy Eating Plan.Doc Essay Assignment: Healthy Eating Plan Alexander Ingram SCI241 1/26/2011 Instructor Lisa Goodson, Ph. D. Balancing nutrition is one of the most important things to do in one’s day besides hygiene. I have had my current eating habits analyzed and read the nutrition of them. I have read the good and poor aspects of my diet. On food diet websites that share links, I have found the food guide pyramid that is a tool for diet planning. The Food Guide Pyramid is a guide for planning diets that meet nutrient requirements and recommendations for health promotion and disease prevention. It was designed to help consumers make food choices that together add up to a healthy overall diet. University of Phoenix (UOP 2011) My current eating habits have been documented on a somewhat food diary that I keep track of on a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)(2011) website called mypyramidtracker. gov . On this food pyramid tracker, I can compare my nutrition to my activity and see the health of what I already eat. On this web site, I enter my diet for each day and my each activity and the time of each for the day I am logging to the tracker. After processing all this information, I can how my activity counters the calories I have consumed on that day. For the activity and time entered for it, one will receive a rating on their activities. With these results, I can build my own custom Food Pyramid that meats the nutrition I should have. The Pyramid is built around five food groups: Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta; Vegetable; Fruit; Milk, Yogurt, Cheese; and Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, Nuts. Foods within each of these food groups supply similar nutrients. For example, foods in the Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta Group provide carbohydrates and B vitamins; those in the Milk, Yogurt, Cheese Group provide protein, calcium, riboflavin, and vitamin D. By choosing a variety of foods from each group according to the serving sizes and selection tips provided with the Pyramid, you can get adequate amounts of all the nutrients you need in the proportions recommended for a healthy diet. UOP (2011) With my current activity and diet I have found the best of the nutrients of my daily diet on Pyramid Tracker. USDA (2011) My daily activity time of 360 minutes of construction work, xpends a total calories of 2783, with a grading of 100 good. I currently, already have a daily balance for food of 1 cup of green, black and kidney beans each. I also have 2 cups of white long grain rice, 3 cups of whole wheat noodles, 1 large potato, 1 cup of potato soup, and for dinner or swapped between which is lunch, ? lb hamburger with mayo and tomato on a bun and 2 links of polish sausage. The Nutrients of my current eating habit are of an intake of 3734 calories, the recommended calories are 3662. With the other nutrients, I have high Protein, Sodium and Carbohydrates compared to the recommending. Almost all of my vitamins are low in the comparison, so with more research, I will find a way to decrease my high good nutrients to counter the raise in which vitamin nutrients I am lacking on. I may be able to hold my current diet and counter the low vitamins with vitamin pills a good grocery store may contain. The nutrients in food provide energy, structure, and regulation. There are six classes of nutrients that we need to stay alive and healthy, to grow, and to reproduce: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, vitamins, and minerals. The amount of each we need varies. Water, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are needed in large amounts. These are considered macronutrients. Macronutrient requirements are measured in grams (g) or liters (L). Vitamins and minerals are needed only in microgram or milligram (mg) amounts. They are considered micronutrients. Although we tend to think of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins as single nutrients, there are actually many different types of molecules in each of these classes. Carbohydrates include starches, sugars, and fiber. Some high-carbohydrate foods like potatoes, asta, and white bread contain mostly starch; some, like oatmeal, berries, kidney beans, and broccoli are high in fiber; and others like cookies, cakes, and carbonated beverages are high in added sugars. Foods that are high in fiber and low in added sugar tend to be higher in nutrient density, containing more vitamins and minerals per calorie than low-fiber, high-sugar foods. There are several types of lipids that are important in nutrition. The ones we hear most about are cholesterol and saturated and unsaturated fats. Consuming a diet high in cholesterol and saturated ats, from foods like butter, meat, and milk, increases your risk of developing heart disease. Consuming a diet high in unsaturated fats from foods like vegetable oils, olives, and avocados lowers your risk. Protein is also not a single substance. There are thousands of different proteins in your body and your diet. All of these are made up of units called amino acids. Different combinations of amino acids are linked together to form different types of proteins. The amino acids we eat in animal products better match our needs than do the amino acids from plant proteins such as those in rains and legumes. However, both plant and animal proteins can provide all the amino acids we need if the diet is chosen wisely. Water, unlike the other nutrient classes, has only one member. Water makes up about 60% of an adult’s bod y weight. We can’t store water so body losses must constantly be replaced by water in the diet. In the body water acts as a lubricant, a transport fluid, and a regulator of body temperature. Vitamins are small organic molecules that must be consumed in the diet to maintain health. There are 13 different vitamins. Each provides a unique function in the body, from maintaining vision to helping blood to clot. Minerals are inorganic elements. Like vitamins, they are needed for a variety of diverse functions such as keeping our bones strong and transporting oxygen in our blood. We consume vitamins and minerals in almost all of the foods we eat. Some foods are natural sources of vitamins and minerals: oranges contain vitamin C, milk provides calcium, and carrots give us vitamin A. Other foods have vitamins and minerals added to them; breakfast cereals often have almost 00% of the recommended intake of many vitamins added to them. Dietary supplements are also a source of vitamins and minerals for some people. UOP (2011) I intend to use this entire nutrient and diet information to gradually balance my personal diet to almost match the recommended nutrition I found through these resources. I am using measuring tools for food and reading the nutrition info on most foods before preparation. I will event ually blend good nutrition into my natural days. References: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) (2011) MyPyramid. ov is your access point for the USDA food guidance system. mypyramid. gov/pyramid/ and mypyramidtracker. gov for tracking my eating habits. University of Phoenix (UOP)(2011) University of Phoenix is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association (ncahlc. org). Retrieved January 29th of 2011 from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/classroom/ic/classroom. aspx, week 1 reading materials I have gained some of the strongest information. (Chapter 1 and 2) ehiedu. org/flash/pdfs/w68761c2. pdf

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Rock Provenance by Petrologic Methods

Rock Provenance by Petrologic Methods Sooner or later, almost every rock on Earth is broken down into sediment, and the sediment is then carried away somewhere else by gravity, water, wind or ice. We see this happening every day in the land around us, and the rock cycle labels that set of events and processes erosion. We should be able to look at a particular sediment and tell something about the rocks it came from. If you think of a rock as a document, sediment is that document shredded. Even if a document is shredded down to individual letters, for instance, we could study the letters and tell pretty easily what language it was written in. If there were some whole words preserved, we could make a good guess about the documents subject, its vocabulary, even its age. And if a sentence or two escaped shredding, we might even match it to the book or paper it came from. Provenance: Reasoning Upstream This kind of research on sediments is called provenance studies. In geology, provenance (rhymes with providence) means where the sediments came from and how they got where they are today. It means working backward, or upstream, from the grains of sediment we have (the shreds) to get an idea of the rock or rocks they used to be (the documents). Its a very geological way of thinking, and provenance studies have exploded in the last few decades. Provenance is a topic confined to sedimentary rocks: sandstone and conglomerate. There are ways of characterizing the protoliths of metamorphic rocks and the sources of igneous rocks like granite or basalt, but theyre vague in comparison. The first thing to know, as you reason your way upstream, is that transporting sediment changes it. The process of transport breaks rocks into ever smaller particles from boulder to clay size, by physical abrasion. And at the same time most of the minerals in the sediment are chemically changed, leaving just a few resistant ones. Also, long transport in streams can sort out the minerals in sediment by their density, so that light minerals like quartz and feldspar can move ahead of heavy ones like magnetite and zircon. Second, once sediment arrives at a resting place- a sedimentary basin- and turns into sedimentary rock again, new minerals may form in it by diagenetic processes. Doing provenance studies, then, requires you to ignore some things and visualize other things that used to be present. Its not straightforward, but were getting better with experience and new tools. This article focuses on petrological techniques, based on simple observations of minerals under the microscope. This is the kind of thing geology students learn in their first lab courses. The other main avenue of provenance studies uses chemical techniques, and many studies combine both. Conglomerate Clast Provenance The big stones (phenoclasts) in conglomerates are like fossils, but instead of being specimens of ancient living things they are specimens of ancient landscapes. Just as the boulders in a riverbed represent the hills upstream and uphill, conglomerate clasts generally testify about the nearby countryside, no more than a few tens of kilometers away. Its no surprise that river gravels contain bits of the hills around them. But it can be interesting to find out that the rocks in a conglomerate are the only things left from hills that vanished millions of years ago. And this kind of fact can be especially meaningful in places where the landscape has been rearranged by faulting. When two widely separated outcrops of conglomerate have the same mix of clasts, thats strong evidence that they once were very close together. Simple Petrographic Provenance A popular approach for analyzing well-preserved sandstones, pioneered around 1980, is to sort the different kinds of grains into three classes and plot them by their percentages on a triangular graph, a ternary diagram. One point of the triangle is for 100% quartz, the second is for 100% feldspar and the third is for 100% lithics: rock fragments that havent fully broken down into isolated minerals. (Anything that isnt one of these three, typically a small fraction, is ignored.) It turns out that rocks from certain tectonic settings make sediments- and sandstones- that plot in fairly consistent places on that QFL ternary diagram. For instance, rocks from the interior of continents are rich in quartz and have almost no lithics. Rocks from volcanic arcs have little quartz. And rocks derived from the recycled rocks of mountain ranges have little feldspar. When necessary, grains of quartz that are actually lithics- bits of quartzite or chert rather than bits of single quartz crystals- can be moved over to the lithics category. That classification uses a QmFLt diagram (monocrystalline quartz–feldspar–total lithics). These work pretty well in telling what kind of plate-tectonic country yielded the sand in a given sandstone. Heavy Mineral Provenance Besides their three main ingredients (quartz, feldspar, and lithics) sandstones have a few minor ingredients, or accessory minerals, derived from their source rocks. Except for the mica mineral muscovite, they are relatively dense, so theyre usually called heavy minerals. Their density makes them easy to separate from the rest of a sandstone. These can be informative. For instance, a large area of igneous rocks is apt to yield grains of hard primary minerals like augite, ilmenite or chromite. Metamorphic terranes add things like garnet, rutile and staurolite. Other heavy minerals like magnetite, titanite and tourmaline could come from either. Zircon is exceptional among the heavy minerals. It is so tough and inert that it can endure for billions of years, being recycled over and over like the coins in your pocket. The great persistence of these detrital zircons has led to a very active field of provenance research that starts with separating hundreds of microscopic zircon grains, then determining the age of each one using isotopic methods. The individual ages arent as important as the blend of ages. Every large body of rock has its own blend of zircon ages, and the blend can be recognized in the sediments that erode from it. Detrital-zircon provenance studies are powerful, and so popular nowadays that theyre often abbreviated as DZ. But they rely on expensive labs and equipment and preparation, so theyre mainly used for high-payoff research. The older ways of sifting, sorting and counting mineral grains are still useful.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Impact of Studying Abroad on Graduate Employability Coursework

The Impact of Studying Abroad on Graduate Employability - Coursework Example Students may acquire abilities that are highly valued as a result of studying in foreign nations. While it is often believed that foreign language skills are the most visible advantage of studying abroad, there are other factors that can result in a graduate being considered in different workplaces. Skills and knowledge gained from studying abroad that are valued in the jobs marketplace In the first place, the exposure to distant cultures increases one’s cultural sensitivity and tolerance, both of which are cherished values given today’s diverse labour force. Employers are always searching for potential workers who are able to interact and communicate with persons of different cultures and nations (Orahood, Kruze, and Pearson 2004). Also, internationally experienced students are also more open to espousing different kinds of change. This means that they can readily adjust to new situations without needing too much help. Study abroad programs also help in making graduate students more positive and self-assured when facing different situations (Parey and Waldinger 2011). Such skills serve them well during job interviews. Internationally experienced graduates acquire a number of skills that other students cannot replicate. For example, they acquire the ability to handle constant change while also being informed about different working regulations in different countries (King, Findlay, and Ahrens 2010). They are also big risk takers and are not easily scared away when encountering unfamiliar situations. Internationally experienced graduates learn easily how to conduct themselves diplomatically in all situations and thus build relationships with people from different ethnic backgrounds. In some cases, these students are also able to execute leadership in spite of religious or cultural differences. They tend to have good cross-cultural skills, are mature, and self-motivated (Jones 2009). Positions/jobs graduates who studied abroad are more likely to sec ure There are many positions that internationally educated graduates have access to. For example, they can be appointed as their organisation’s representative to foreign nations or as leaders of foreign branches (Varghese 2008). Due to their people skills, they can also work in the public relations division, or human resources department in various business organisations (Fielden, Middlehurst, and Woodfield 2007). They can also function as consultants for issues concerning international business. Internationally experienced graduates are also usually quite proficient in written speech. This is because they had to write often during their studies in order to communicate with family members or correspond with universities. Such skills give them the ability to be able to apply for jobs which require a lot of writing such as journalism (Cai 2012). There are also numerous jobs in the internet such as being a social media manager, which calls for one to have good communication skil ls and proficiency in various internet skills. They could also serve as online content creators, where they update the business’s status and write blogs. They could also successfully serve as customer service representatives and represent their companies. This job calls for people who

Wed Class Cases due Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wed Class Cases due - Assignment Example In fact, I can say that the success of the whole project lies on the design you produced. Currently, there is some distraction with technical composition of the project and that is taking up everyone’s focus. The details in the technical bit will enhance the design you come up with, therefore, as much as few comments arise currently, you are a key person in the success of this team. Hello Vander, this is an expression of my interest in the upcoming position is very high because I believe I have what it takes. I can support this because I have an engineering degree, record of accomplishment for excellence, excellent employee record, and adequate experience. I am exceptionally keen on customer satisfaction and aims at production of quality. I request for your support of my interest in this position because I believe you are focused on supporting the best talent for the position. On 3 April 2012, I paid for my electricity bill through mobile money specifications, but things never worked out. I stayed in darkness for several hours before opting to buy units through other means following several hours of trying to reach customer care in vain. My phone number is +4457898769 and I am requesting for a refund because, two weeks later, I have not received the tokens I had bought. Dear Sir, following the information customers has been receiving recently regarding warranties; it means that there is more information to the customers than our company ever expected. This is not a good thing for the reputation of our company, as the customers will soon look at our company as swindlers, especially if we do not deliver the promise we make to them. It is not appropriate forging ahead with the efforts of training the sales team if the company has to save its reputation from negative opinions of customers. Social media has become a great way for executives meeting with their clients. That is what Opra Winfrey, Richard Branson and Donald Trump

Friday, October 18, 2019

Locals spend lavishly thanks to windfall from IPOs Essay

Locals spend lavishly thanks to windfall from IPOs - Essay Example "I took a Karwa taxi to the Industrial Area from the Old Airport locality on Friday evening and I paid QR30 as one-way fare It is too much," he said. Even a Qatari national, Yahya Abdul Rahman, felt the sheep were costlier this Eid. He blamed house rents as the single culprit for the rising cost of living and said he had let out four houses to expatriate tenant families and raised rents only marginally. "I have concern for them," he said of his tenants. The article mainly talks about how locals in Doha, Qatar enjoy affluent lifestyles as opposed to foreign expatriates. Expatriates are people who are temporarily living in another country, the culture of which different from the one they are from. The locals' and the expatriates' economic and financial differences are highlighted during the Eid al-Adha or Feast of Sacrifice, the most important feast of the Muslim. The feast is celebrated by sacrificing domestic animals, particularly sheep. The article narrates how it is easy for an average Qatari to purchase a fair number of sheep, while the foreigners struggle to buy even just one. The local Qataris can manage to be extravagant because of the "booming stock market" especially initial public offerings (IPO... He blamed house rents as the single culprit for the rising cost of living and said he had let out four houses to expatriate tenant families and raised rents only marginally. "I have concern for them," he said of his tenants. "Landlords are greedy," he said of property owners, his fellow countrymen. "Rising inflation is not good for all of us." Section: Local News Accessed 1/9/2006 from 1.2 Commentary The article mainly talks about how locals in Doha, Qatar enjoy affluent lifestyles as opposed to foreign expatriates. Expatriates are people who are temporarily living in another country, the culture of which different from the one they are from. The locals' and the expatriates' economic and financial differences are highlighted during the Eid al-Adha or Feast of Sacrifice, the most important feast of the Muslim. The feast is celebrated by sacrificing domestic animals, particularly sheep. The article narrates how it is easy for an average Qatari to purchase a fair number of sheep, while the foreigners struggle to buy even just one. The local Qataris can manage to be extravagant because of the "booming stock market" especially initial public offerings (IPOs). IPOs are the first sale of stock offered by a private company to the public, stocks being the element of ownership in a corporation. IPOs can only be offered once, many people take advantage of the opportunity. It is typical for the value of IPOs to rise on debut. However, many fall below the offering prices before the year ends. Because of this investing in IPOs are risky, as with all other investments. But even with the booming shares in the Doha Securities Market (up to 98% in 2005), economists raise concern that it might

Agents and Representatives in Budgeting Process Research Proposal

Agents and Representatives in Budgeting Process - Research Proposal Example The role of agents in budgeting is of great significance and, hence, should not be overlooked. During the preparations of the annual budgets and reports from all the state organs, profit, and non-profit enterprises, all the stakeholders are represented via agents. The representing agents should be individuals with deep understanding of finance and knowledgeable in accounting. It is the participation of all the agents representing the relevant institutions in the budgetary process that is commonly referred to as departmental agency budgeting (Goodman and Clynch, 2004). This process entails four major stages, namely: i. Comprehensive Fiscal Policy Formulation Under this umbrella, the overarching institutional objectives are formulated and determined. It is these policies that regulates the decision making process regarding aggregate expenditure and revenue of the firm. ii. Preparation and Enactment of the Budget It is in this stage that the government decides on proportions of financia l allocation to be advanced to each agent, and also the government outlines the purpose for which the funds are allocated to a given agent. The guiding principles relating to these are set out clearly by the legislations enacted by the state. iii. Budgetary Execution This is the actual stage in budgeting. It involves carrying out the stipulated expenditure as developed in the budget plan. It is in this stage that contractual agreements are signed between the budgetary committee and the contractors (Goodman and Clynch, 2004). iv. Accounting, Auditing, and Reporting This being the final stage in budgeting, it is the post-ante process of preparing the accounting records regarding revenues and expenditures executed by the organization within a given fiscal period. These records must have been audited by both internal and hired external experts/auditors to ensure that they meet the international accounting and auditing standards. The final reports (audited reports) are then presented to the financers, government agencies, ministers, the public and the parliament. Objectives of Budgeting The following are the key objectives of budgeting: Sound Macro-Fiscal Result: This forms the backbone to aggregate fiscal policy objective in budgeting. To ensure fiscal sustainability, sound fiscal policies must be put in place to regulate financial operations and to ensure that organization short-term debts are paid when they fall due. This policy also acts as macro-stabilizer to the economy by regulating taxation policies during boom and recession. Appropriate Expenditure Prioritization: This policy advocates for effective allocation of resources to those projects that are deemed socially profitable. The corollary under this objective is to avoid misallocation of resources especially to least priority sectors of the economy, but instead to maximize on the social gains. Service Efficiency and Effectiveness: This implies that the state services delivery is made more efficient and e ffective in a manner that is socially justifiable and acceptable by all the stakeholders. 1. Budget Overview Taking an example of HIV/AIDS funding program, during the financial allocation process, all the departments involved must have their representative on board.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Can Terrorism be defeated by Military Means Only Essay

Can Terrorism be defeated by Military Means Only - Essay Example Can Terrorism be defeated by Military Means Only? A few examples of better ideas are the promises of peaceful change, social reforms and economic equity. Terrorism is a form of â€Å"asymmetrical warfare† in military parlance. This terminology defines it as a type of warfare in which one of the combatants (the weaker) chooses when and where to engage and fight the other side (the stronger enemy). The term asymmetry derives from the unequal status in terms of strength of the combatants in which a lightly-equipped force attacks the much-stronger enemy by using unorthodox means of hitting its enemy through weak points. By necessity, terrorists use ideas to gain access into people's minds and hearts to win them over to their cause. Terrorism is the dominant form of conflict in most of today’s hot spots. Anti-terrorism experts are agreed on its layman’s definition which is an act or a series of acts designed to sow terror or extreme fear. Police investigative techniques and military solutions are good only for the sh ort term but not really effective for the long haul. Discussion The aim of terrorists is intimidate and threaten people so they will act in a certain manner that is favourable or desired by the terrorists. This is but a simple form of coercion backed by threats of violence. Just as the saying that history is written by victors of a war, terrorism can be viewed from different perspectives, depending on who is using terror to achieve its aims. Individuals, groups and even governments use terror to help them achieve their objectives. Terrorism does not make any distinctions on the persons using terror but focuses on the means of terror. It means marginal groups can be labelled as terrorists as well as existing governments which employ the same techniques and methods. Agents who killed British soldiers in Palestine before Israel was given its independence were terrorists by the above definition and so were the Spanish secret agents under a previous administration during 1982 to 1986. Th e Guardia Civil (Spanish police) had formed their own terrorist units called as the Grupo Antiterrorista de Liberacion or GAL (, n.d., p. 1) to counter threats posed by the growing ETA movement (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) of the Basque region which initially had targeted members of the police and military. As can be gleaned from this initial discussion, terrorism can be viewed from different perspectives and as such could also be justified depending on who is using terrorism as a tool. In other words, terrorism is not a sole domain of disaffected individuals and marginal groups but also of duly-elected governments which find it convenient to use terrorism as state policy. Most terrorists today belong to organisations which are basically stateless. This state of being stateless is one other characteristic of asymmetrical warfare and is what makes the terror groups quite difficult to hunt down and defeat. Their structure is not hierarchical but rather more of a network which has redundant functions performed by several terror cells. In aftermath of Osama bin Laden’s reported death, many ordinary people expected terrorism threats to vanish away but anti-terrorism experts believe otherwise because the motivation is still there within the organisation of al-Qaida. The goals and the willingness to use terror have not changed a bit and many affiliated terror cells can still strike any time (Clarke, 2011, p. 1). In the thinking of most military

Policy Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Policy Making - Essay Example The contacts can be found in a government directory. The next step is initiating contact. This involves calling the offices or traveling to the offices personally. If an appointment is granted, the plan moves to the next part which involves correspondence on material. This is the part where any question that will be posed to the policy makers during the visit get availed to allow ample time for preparation. In addition, the policy makers will get a copy of the policy recommendation report to allow them to prepare for the discussion during the visit. After providing the material in focus, the next stage will involve setting up a date for the visit and the itinerary. The itinerary is generally focused on arrival at the policy makers’ offices and a schedule of the debates that will take place. The itinerary will be approved by both sides (we, the visitors and the policy makers). The visit will last for not more than two hours (Bensley & Brookins-Fisher, 2008). Overview of Recomme ndations The key strategies of the recommendations are proper patient-to-nurse ratio staffing, proper shift managements, and proper overtime management. The importance of these aspects of nursing is that they are the backbone of proper nursing environment. On proper nurse-to-patient ratio, the problem was that nurses in many hospitals were overwhelmed by the work they had to do. In some cases, one nurse had to tend to over sixty patients. This is a dangerous situation because nurses who are overwhelmed by their work get fatigued and, as a result, produce poor quality results (Kenner & Finkelman, 2012). On proper shift management, the problem identified was that nurses had to do very long shifts and in most cases worked on the same working quadrant for a long time. The long shifts made the nurses fatigued and demoralized them. The notion of working in the same quadrant over a long period of time made their work seem repetitive. Repetitive work makes the nurses numb to developments in the workplace. These developments are such as patient condition deterioration or any routine procedures that may need to be changed. My recommendation at this point is that the nurses should work shifts of less than eight hours and that the hospitals should do frequent rotation of the nurses in the wards (Kenner & Finkelman, 2012). On overtime management, the problem identified was that nurses did much overtime work. Daytime nurses tended to stretch their shifts into the night and vice versa. Other nurses took weekend jobs. The problem with overtime work is that it exhausts the nurses and confuses the doctors who will have already changed shifts. My recommendation is that nurses should be allowed as little overtime work as possible due to the nature of their work. Their work is sensitive and demands a lot of keenness (Kenner & Finkelman, 2012). Analysis of Empirical Evidence Empirical evidence showed that nurses who worked for long shifts had alarmingly poor results with many nursi ng related conditions attributed to them. Generally, nurses who worked long shifts complained of loss of concentration in work and stress. Doctors who worked with nurses, who worked long shifts, complained of laxity among those nurses and reduction in the quality of the nurses’ work. The case was worse among nurses who were registered and their unregistered assistants. In such cases, there was a breakdown in communication. Registered nurses who

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Can Terrorism be defeated by Military Means Only Essay

Can Terrorism be defeated by Military Means Only - Essay Example Can Terrorism be defeated by Military Means Only? A few examples of better ideas are the promises of peaceful change, social reforms and economic equity. Terrorism is a form of â€Å"asymmetrical warfare† in military parlance. This terminology defines it as a type of warfare in which one of the combatants (the weaker) chooses when and where to engage and fight the other side (the stronger enemy). The term asymmetry derives from the unequal status in terms of strength of the combatants in which a lightly-equipped force attacks the much-stronger enemy by using unorthodox means of hitting its enemy through weak points. By necessity, terrorists use ideas to gain access into people's minds and hearts to win them over to their cause. Terrorism is the dominant form of conflict in most of today’s hot spots. Anti-terrorism experts are agreed on its layman’s definition which is an act or a series of acts designed to sow terror or extreme fear. Police investigative techniques and military solutions are good only for the sh ort term but not really effective for the long haul. Discussion The aim of terrorists is intimidate and threaten people so they will act in a certain manner that is favourable or desired by the terrorists. This is but a simple form of coercion backed by threats of violence. Just as the saying that history is written by victors of a war, terrorism can be viewed from different perspectives, depending on who is using terror to achieve its aims. Individuals, groups and even governments use terror to help them achieve their objectives. Terrorism does not make any distinctions on the persons using terror but focuses on the means of terror. It means marginal groups can be labelled as terrorists as well as existing governments which employ the same techniques and methods. Agents who killed British soldiers in Palestine before Israel was given its independence were terrorists by the above definition and so were the Spanish secret agents under a previous administration during 1982 to 1986. Th e Guardia Civil (Spanish police) had formed their own terrorist units called as the Grupo Antiterrorista de Liberacion or GAL (, n.d., p. 1) to counter threats posed by the growing ETA movement (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) of the Basque region which initially had targeted members of the police and military. As can be gleaned from this initial discussion, terrorism can be viewed from different perspectives and as such could also be justified depending on who is using terrorism as a tool. In other words, terrorism is not a sole domain of disaffected individuals and marginal groups but also of duly-elected governments which find it convenient to use terrorism as state policy. Most terrorists today belong to organisations which are basically stateless. This state of being stateless is one other characteristic of asymmetrical warfare and is what makes the terror groups quite difficult to hunt down and defeat. Their structure is not hierarchical but rather more of a network which has redundant functions performed by several terror cells. In aftermath of Osama bin Laden’s reported death, many ordinary people expected terrorism threats to vanish away but anti-terrorism experts believe otherwise because the motivation is still there within the organisation of al-Qaida. The goals and the willingness to use terror have not changed a bit and many affiliated terror cells can still strike any time (Clarke, 2011, p. 1). In the thinking of most military

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Position Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Position - Essay Example Irrespective of the arguments that have been brought, it can be substantively argued that technology has enhanced the quality of life by making life easier and facilitating people in engaging with their daily activities efficiently and effectively. Technology and lifestyle are two inseparable aspects. People keep on changing their lifestyles based on the technologies that are being developed. Technologies have brought forth heightened levels of convenience and accessibility across all the dealings that people have on their daily basis (Cooper 1). On a normal day, a person wakes up to interact with technologies right from their bed, kitchen, road, to the workplace. A bundle of technology such as a smartphone has become a major accompaniment wherever and whenever; As a result of internet connectivity, an individual is able to access any information from any place. This has created a lifestyle where people are able to operate even from their homes. The implications are that people tend to become more independent and personal contacts become minimal. Though the lifestyle has constantly changed, the level of productivity has exponentially improved as a result of the convenience and ease of operationalization created by the use of t echnologies (Yu 217). The influence of technology is mainly for the general well-being of people. Many problems that confront people have found solutions in modern technologies. Technological products such as computers have ensured that life becomes easy, better, and quick. Communication from wherever part of the world has been transformed. In addition, transportation has been made easy and fast. A global view reveals that almost every facet of the human life has been influenced by technology mainly positively. As a result of these technologies, people’s social lives have been transformed significantly. On the positive note, it is possible to interlink

Monday, October 14, 2019

Race and Ethnicity Essay Example for Free

Race and Ethnicity Essay This course focuses on the issues, challenges, and opportunities presented by U. S. population diversity. Workplace issues related to employee diversity in terms of gender, race or ethnicity, socioeconomic class, and cultural background are emphasized. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: †¢ University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. †¢ Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Harvey, C. P. , Allard, M. J. (2009). Understanding and managing diversity (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Schaefer, R. T. (2011). Racial and ethnic groups (12th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. All electronic materials are available on the student website. |Week One: Workplace Diversity | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives |Recognize the dimensions of diversity. |6/10/13 | | | |Differentiate the concept of inclusion from the concept of diversity. | | | | |Describe diversity and inclusion in the workplace. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 1 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 17 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read Introduction to Section I and Section I of Understanding and Managing Diversity. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |6/10/13 |2 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. |6/10/13 |2 | |Learning Team |Create the Learning Team Charter. | | | |Instructions | | | | |Learning Team Charter | | | | |Learning Team |Review the Week One objectives and discuss insights and questions you may have. | | | |Instructions | | | | |Weekly Team Review | | | | |Individual |Apply critical-thinking skills to answer the following questions based on this week’s |6/10/13 |5 | |Thinking About Diversity|readings. The response to each question must contain 150 to 300 words. | | | |and Inclusion | | | | | |What are the dimensions of cultural diversity? Identify and briefly explain the dimensions by | | | | |referencing both textbooks. | | | | |With what ethnic, cultural, or other groups do you identify? Describe what members of your | | | | |social circle have in common. | | | | |What is the difference between diversity and inclusion? | | | | |What is the importance of workplace diversity training? | | | | |What is your experience with workplace culture? Could there be, or could there have been, more| | | | |inclusion? | | | | | | | | | |Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. | | | |Week Two: Prejudice, Stereotypes, Discrimination, and Privilege | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | |6/17/13 | | | |Explain how the concept of culture is used to construct group identity. | | | | |Analyze the social concept of race. | | | | |Describe how behavioral and thinking patterns apply to diversity issues. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 2 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 3 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 5 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read Introduction to Section II in Section II of Understanding and Managing Diversity. | | | |Reading |Read Are African Americans Still Experiencing Racism? | | | | |in Section II of Understanding and Managing Diversity. | | | |Reading |Read Inventing Hispanics in Section II of Understanding and Managing Diversity. | | | |Reading |Read To Be Asian in America in Section II of Understanding and Managing Diversity. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 6 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 7 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 8 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 9 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 10 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 11 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 12 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 13 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Review Ch. 14 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. | | | |Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |6/17/13 |2 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. |6/17/13 |2 | |Learning Team |Submit the Learning Team Charter. | | | |Instructions | | | | |Learning Team Charter | | | | |Learning Team |Review the Week Two objectives and discuss insights and questions you may have. | | | |Instructions | | | | |Weekly Team Review | | | | |Learning Team |Begin working on the Equal Rights Proposition Outline assignment due in Week Three. | | | |Instructions | | | | |Equal Rights Proposition| | | | |Outline | | | | |Individual Multicultural|Resources: Culturegrams database and Racial and Ethnic Groups |6/17/13 |15.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

‘Medicalization’ in Current Health Policy

‘Medicalization’ in Current Health Policy Changing Public Health Priorities From Medicalization to Improving Built Communities Laura Schultz, Brett Weed, Ashini Fernando, Carolyn Moore,  Andrea Andersen, David Garcia Medicalization has greatly increased the emphasis on the delivery of clinical services to individuals, often at the expense of population-based solutions. We examine this phenomenon and offer an alternative that promotes public health by improving social, environmental, and physical determinants of health[HS1]. ‘Medicalization’ in Current Health Policy ‘Medicalization’ is the tendency for the practice of medicine to view a greater proportion of human behavior through a clinical lens (Zola, 1986). Among the examples of medicalization is the direct-to-consumer solicitation of prescription drugs for an arguably ever-increasing repertoire of conditions and afflictions (Frosch, Krueger, Hornik, Cronbolm, Barg, 2007) and increasing access to medical care as is evident through the initiatives implemented by the ACA[HS2]. Ever increasing amounts of money are being invested in treatment of chronic diseases, while a comparatively much smaller proportion is invested in preventing the same conditions (HHS, 2003). The United States spends more than 17% of their GDP on healthcare[HS3]. This per capita health expenditure is more than twice the average of countries of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (Balding, 2014[HS4]), yet these numbers have translated not into better health but instead, a worsening trend in chronic diseases. US citizens also have significantly lower life expectancy in comparison (Woolf Aron, 2013). Despite these considerable investments in health care delivery, the costs associated with treating the manifestations of poor health continue to rise unabated. Over the last five years in North Carolina alone, approximately USD 80 million of the federal budget for public health was appropriated for primary care for the underserved populations (Trust for America’s Health, 2014[HS5]). Public Health Spending In contrast, public health only receives approximately 3% of the government budget and is underfunded (Balding, 2014). Nationally, 95% of health spending is for the apportionment of clinical services, while only 5% is invested in population-based solutions (Lantz, Licthenstein, Pollack, 2007). In North Carolina this division is even more extreme, with less than 1% of health spending dedicated to public health operations (Table 1[HS6]). Table 1. North Carolina Public Health Appropriations as a Percentage of Public Health Care Spending (Trust for America’s Health, 2014; Chantrill, n.d.) It is worth[CDL7] noting that the leading cause of mortality in the US, cardiovascular disease, accounts for annual healthcare costs that exceed USD $312.6 billion (HHS n.d.), yet when diagnosed early, disease progression can be addressed with non-pharmacological interventions[HS8]. In North Carolina, a mere 0.81% (~ USD 15 million, 2013) of the federal budget for public health was appropriated for prevention measures of all chronic diseases (Trust for America’s Health, 2014). These funding trends appear to support medicalization of health instead of prevention through public health efforts. Rather than continue to invest in a stopgap strategy of mitigating the impact of illness, we propose to instead invest in the prevention of illness[HS9]. Addressing Social Determinants Population health investments within corporate environments have shown considerable financial success and value beyond return on investment (ROI). One corporate wellness program saw a ROI of close to 300%; another company saved an estimated $224 per employee in 2003 dollars from promoting health rather than treating a lack of it (HHS, 2003[HS10]). Applying this same per capita savings rate to North Carolina, shifting funding to prevention and health promotion could yield savings of $2.2 billion annually[3], more than offsetting the annual increases in health services expenditures. Value beyond ROI includes physical and mental health, quality of life, perceived health status and functional capacity. Workplace well-being also promotes other intangibles such as increased social cohesion (Pronk, 2014). There is an established correlation between positive social relationships and health. As Robert Putnam wrote in 2000 in Bowling Alone, â€Å"social capital† conveys the essential health promoting value of communities[HS11]. It is defined as â€Å"the social networks and interactions that inspire trust and reciprocity among citizens† (as cited in Leyden, 2003). Social isolation, independent of other lifestyle factors, is linked to premature death and decreased resistance to disease (Cohen, 2001). Beyond individual health, social capital is associated with political engagement, volunteerism, decreased crime rates and economic development (Leyden, 2003). Research has shown that when we design our communities to encourage social engagement there is a positive effect on the psychological and physical health of the residents (Leyden, 2003[HS12]). Since the advent of the automobile, the design of our communities has included limited transportation choices. Most individuals choose to travel by car because urban design has made most options for pedestrians unsafe (Vandergrift, 2004). The US, compared to other high income European countries with better health measures, have at least 25% more automobiles per 1000 people (Woolf Aron, 2013). European Countries also have policies which limit sprawl and prioritize â€Å"urban centralization†. Though difficult to quantify, these environmental factors are likely to contribute to the health disparities and disadvantages in the US (Woolf Aron, 2013). Political and social conditions and constructs, racism for example, also results in poor urban design that compound health disparities including limited access to businesses and markets, exposure to environmental toxins, and lack of opportunities for social participation. Specifically, infrastructure investment decisions, such as libraries, parks, public safety and maintenance are likely to be allocated to geographic areas populated by citizens with greater socioeconomic status and political power, which further marginalize disadvantaged socioeconomic groups (Schulz Northridge, 2004). Alternatively, mixed use, pedestrian friendly communities are based on thoughtful design and include intact town centers, multiple income residences and well linked streets that are designed for people, not automobiles (Walkable Communities, n.d.). Prioritized determinants of health, which we expect to improve because of innovative planning include increased social engagement, improved economic status and increased physical activity (Walkable Communities, n.d.). As of 2012, approximately 50% of the US adult population has been shown to suffer from chronic diseases. However, adequate physical activity has been scientifically proven to prevent or improve these chronic disease conditions[HS13]. Yet, according to a 2011 statistic from the CDC, 76% of adults did not meet the recommendation for muscle-strengthening physical activity which is a known risk for heart disease (CDC, 2014). There are states where the built environment is viewed as worthy of significant investment to improve population health. Specifically, in Massachusetts there are two examples of lower than average socioeconomic status communities where health impact assessments indicate that built environmental improvements would improve social factors and likely decrease expenses in medical intervention. In Somerville, there is a community driven planned change to a bisecting interstate. This plan, made with consideration for social health determinants of the residents includes multi use bike and walking paths with increased access to all areas of the community[HS14]. Community-wide access will provide opportunities for social interaction, physical activity and increased choices for employment (MassDOT, 2013). A community with similar demographics, Fall River, has proposed common trails for recreation and pedestrian and bicycle travel that connect residents to businesses. This is predicted to improv e every health determinant the HIA evaluated (MAPC, 2013). Based on a review of state sponsored health impact assessments in other communities, there is a significant relationship between communities with walkable pathways and health (Rails to Trails Conservancy, 2013). We propose that thoughtful environmental structure enhancements such as multi-use walking and biking paths will connect neighborhoods and businesses. In turn, we believe these changes will positively affect social cohesion, economic viability and physical activity, which are all key determinants of health that can improve with innovative public policy implementation[HS15]. Conclusion and Recommendations Evidence from state sponsored health impact assessments in other communities, indicates that there is a positive correlation between communities with walkable pathways and health (Rails to Trails Conservancy, 2013). Environmental structure enhancements such as multi-use walking and biking paths that connect neighborhoods and businesses could positively influence population health in North Carolina. We believe these changes will positively affect social cohesion, economic viability and physical activity, which are all key determinants of health that can improve with innovative public policy implementation. In North Carolina there are 31 completed Rails to Trails programs (NC Rails-Trails, 2014). This national program improves the built environment by converting former railroad routes to pedestrian and bike friendly paths. However, only 2 of the 31 completed trails are located in counties with the poorest health scores (RWJF 2014; NC Rails to Trails, 2014). Eastern North Carolina, where 9 out of 10 of the most poorly rated counties for health outcomes are located, also have the fewest trail initiatives (NC Rails-Trails, 2014). This skewed distribution of environmental improvements further demonstrates the way in which populations within poor socioeconomic communities are financially neglected, and thus likely to continue to suffer from worse health outcomes. Using Massachusetts as an example, the state’s Department of Health and Human Services has initiated a program to identify communities with the lowest socioeconomic status and assist them to â€Å"build policies, systems and environments that promote wellness and healthy living† (MassDOT, 2013). In partnership with state and county planning officials, public health leaders, and state demographers, our plan is to target lower socioeconomic communities, initially focusing on a county with the poorest health indicators, to plan and build multi-use trails. We request priority funding allocated through the US Department of Transportation via the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century ACT (MAP-21), as well as private foundation grants that prioritize state population health improvements like the Annie E. Casey and Doris Duke foundations. Our plan for advocacy is to engage community members in the trail project as stakeholders. Specifically we will encourage our members to influence policy decisions through community informational meetings, including letter writing assistance intended to exert pressure on local politicians. We intend to host community or health center â€Å"coffees† with opportunities to meet county commissioners and planners. Media coverage in the lo cal newspaper is another part of our advocacy plan. Specifically, we will engage local media in an effort to â€Å"frame† the problem of poor environmental design and how it impacts health by profiling one citizen with health risks and limited transportation options who lives on a pedestrian unsafe street, visually depicting the social isolation inherent in this environment though a photo layout[HS16]. By engaging our most vulnerable North Carolina citizens to take part in improving their quality of life and ultimately their health and longevity, we will have the best chance at community environmental improvement as a long term effort. The time is now to refocus our priorities on health investment through prevention and promotion of public health efforts rather than treatment of diseases. References Blanding, M. (2012). Public Health and the U.S. Economy. Retrieved from Chantrill, C. (n.d.). North Carolina Government Spending Chart. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014, October). Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved from Cohen, S (2001). Social relationships and health: Berkman syme (1979). Advances in mind-body medicine. 17(1):5-7. Frosch, D. L., Krueger, P. M., Hornik, R. C., Cronbolm, P. F., Barg, F. K. (2007). Creating Demand for Prescription Drugs: A Content Analysis of Television Direct-to-Consumer Advertising. Annals of Family Medicine, 5(1), 6-13. Lantz, P. M., Licthenstein R. L., Pollack, H. A. (2007). Health policy approaches to population health: The Limits of medicalization. Health Affairs, 26(5), 1253-1257. Leyden, K. (2003). Social Capital and the Built Environment: The Importance of Walkable Neighborhoods. American Journal of Public Health, 93(9), 1546-1551. Massachusetts Department of Transportation. (2013). Health Impact Assessment of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) McGrath Grounding Study. 2013. Retrieved from Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) (2013). Health Impact Assessment: Quequechan River Rail Trail Phase 2. Retrieved from NC Rails-Trails (2014, September). Resources. Retrieved from Pronk, N. P. (2014). Placing Workplace Wellness in Proper Context: Value Beyond Money. Preventing Chronic Disease 11, 1-4. Putnam, R. (2000). Bowling Alone: The collapse and revival of American community. New York: Simon Schuster. Rails to Trails Conservancy. Health and Wellness Benefits. (n.d.). Retrieved from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2014). County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, Building a Culture of Health County by County; 2014 Rankings; North Carolina. Retrieved from Schulz, A., Northridge, M. E. (2004). Social determinants of health: Implications for Environmental Health Promotion. Health Education and Behavior, 31(4), 455-471. Trust for Americas Health (2014). Key Health Data about North Carolina. Retrieved from,year=2009,code=undefined US Census Bureau (2014, July 8). NC quick facts. Retrieved from US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (2003, September). Prevention makes common â€Å"cents†. Retrieved from US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (n.d.). About Heart Disease Stroke. Retrieved from Vandergrift, D., Yoked, T. V. (2004). Obesity rates, income, and suburban sprawl: an analysis of US states. Health Place, 10, 221-229. Walkable Communities, Inc. (n.d.).Walkable Communities FAQ. Retrieved from Woolf, S. H., Aron, L. Y. (Eds.). (2013). U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health. Washington DC: National Academies Press. Zola, I. K. (1986). Medicine as an institution of social control. In P. Conrad R. Kern (Eds.), The sociology of health and illness. New York: St. Martins Press. [1] Rounded to nearest million [2] Rounded to nearest ten million; represents NC state and locality public health care spending [3] Based on 2013 NC Population Estimate of 9,848,060 (US Census Bureau 2014). [HS1]Nice introduction to your paper [HS2]Good examples [HS3]Is this from your Balding reference? This statement needs to be referenced. [HS4]This is listed as Blanding on your reference list. [HS5]Very nice section, your reader will have a good understanding of medicalization after reading this section [HS6]Great reference and statistics that support your premise [CDL7]Do not use this construct in this class, â€Å"it is†, â€Å"there are†, etc. [HS8]Such as implementing lifestyle changes with diet exercise. [HS9]Very good! [HS10]Impressive! [HS11]Very interesting, I will be reading this. [HS12]Great examples and points being made, excellent references. [HS13]You need a reference here [HS14]This entire section isn’t referenced. Unless this information is considered to be â€Å"common knowledge† e.g. it came from your own brain or was information you were aware of prior to writing this paper, it needs to have a citation. Please review when to cite from UNC library [HS15]Great ideas [HS16]Great ideas and plan of action

Saturday, October 12, 2019

An Account of the Nicaraguan Revolution :: Free Essays Online

An Account of the Nicaraguan Revolution 1. Augusto Cesar Guerra's dark eyes suddenly lose the cordial and pragmatic aspect they had sustained during the initial minutes of our conversation. His gaze then slowly shifts from my own eyes to the ceiling and, not being fixed on a specific point, it begins to drift, seemingly toward a region by far removed from the present place and time. 2. â€Å"So you want to know about the Revolution,† he utters as if from a distance, his appearance acquiring a thoughtful expression that unveils a man who, asked to recall unsettling events, is forced to evoke the pain caused by wounds healed long before. 3. Guerra then becomes silent, apparently overwhelmed by his memories, and I fix my stare upon him: I notice a bronzed complexion despite the recent Washington, D.C winter, which he's endured in its entirety; a thick body defied by a slim face, motionless beneath dark, black hair, cut somewhat short yet curling amply on the top of his head; a dense beard stemming from the sideburns that leaves uncovered only the top of his cheeks, which are made to protrude somewhat by the bones beneath the fairly darkened skin. As I stare at the man in front of me, I can't help but think of the mix of the races that, Centuries before, created the essence of our Continent: a blend between the European Southerners, already permanently touched by the Mediterranean sun, and a Civilization of candid primitives who welcomed their guests without knowing their own benevolence would cause the downfall of their gods and their ways. I then look around me, notice the frames hanging on the wall of El Tamarindo, an Adams Morgan Salvadorean restaurant, and, like Guerra, am taken elsewhere: I see immense Churches, modeled after those in Spain and towering from the center of a village â€Å"plaza† frequented by the short descendants of the great tribes; a fisherman in a canoe built out of rotting wood whose smile reveals a wise and ageless simplicity; the ancient designs carefully worked upon the fine cloth of a hammock; the rich fruits that are unique to our soil; the Caribbean's crystalline blue and emerald serenity; all visions that rekindle the element of a previous life that I suspect most of us who have migrated from the South are at some point forced to relinquish. An Account of the Nicaraguan Revolution :: Free Essays Online An Account of the Nicaraguan Revolution 1. Augusto Cesar Guerra's dark eyes suddenly lose the cordial and pragmatic aspect they had sustained during the initial minutes of our conversation. His gaze then slowly shifts from my own eyes to the ceiling and, not being fixed on a specific point, it begins to drift, seemingly toward a region by far removed from the present place and time. 2. â€Å"So you want to know about the Revolution,† he utters as if from a distance, his appearance acquiring a thoughtful expression that unveils a man who, asked to recall unsettling events, is forced to evoke the pain caused by wounds healed long before. 3. Guerra then becomes silent, apparently overwhelmed by his memories, and I fix my stare upon him: I notice a bronzed complexion despite the recent Washington, D.C winter, which he's endured in its entirety; a thick body defied by a slim face, motionless beneath dark, black hair, cut somewhat short yet curling amply on the top of his head; a dense beard stemming from the sideburns that leaves uncovered only the top of his cheeks, which are made to protrude somewhat by the bones beneath the fairly darkened skin. As I stare at the man in front of me, I can't help but think of the mix of the races that, Centuries before, created the essence of our Continent: a blend between the European Southerners, already permanently touched by the Mediterranean sun, and a Civilization of candid primitives who welcomed their guests without knowing their own benevolence would cause the downfall of their gods and their ways. I then look around me, notice the frames hanging on the wall of El Tamarindo, an Adams Morgan Salvadorean restaurant, and, like Guerra, am taken elsewhere: I see immense Churches, modeled after those in Spain and towering from the center of a village â€Å"plaza† frequented by the short descendants of the great tribes; a fisherman in a canoe built out of rotting wood whose smile reveals a wise and ageless simplicity; the ancient designs carefully worked upon the fine cloth of a hammock; the rich fruits that are unique to our soil; the Caribbean's crystalline blue and emerald serenity; all visions that rekindle the element of a previous life that I suspect most of us who have migrated from the South are at some point forced to relinquish.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Political Islam and the West Essay

The author, John Esposito, tries to define what political Islam is and its connection and presence in Southeast Asian countries and, most especially, in the Western part of the world. â€Å"Political Islam, or more commonly Islamic fundamentalism, remains a major presence in governments and oppositional politics from North Africa to Southeast Asia. † Esposito made some strong points regarding Islam, political Islam, and the West. While it is true that most of the Muslims have become more keen and observant with regard to the practice of their faith, many of them are adapting to the continuing development of the world. These people have come to realize that they do not have to limit themselves to the rules of their religion, and that there are numerous opportunities out there if they allowed themselves to take part in it. They have to realize that the world is completely different from what they knew from the past, and that they can practice their religion and still experience what the world has to offer at the same time. Esposito states that Islamic belief has reemerged as an alternative to the perceived failure of secular ideologies like capitalism, nationalism, and socialism. However, Islam reemerged because they chose to do so. They realized that it was time to change what others thought of them and that they should not be submitting themselves to the judgment of other cultures and religious groups. It has been too long that they isolated themselves to a certain part of the world where they did not allow the Western culture to become a part of their own. Although they are still adamant to adapt this culture, or any other culture for that matter, they are willing to explore the world and its recent progress. They are more willing to expand their horizons at this time compared to the past. â€Å"Early underestimation of religion as a source of identity, as well as a political force has led to its overestimation today. † Religion might have been underestimated in the past but it surely is not overestimated today. In contrast, the world learned how to acknowledge the presence of religious groups and the contributions they make to the world and the society. They are not being overestimated because if they were, everyone should have chosen and participated within their own group and practice its customs and beliefs. There would be no one person who do does not belong to a particular religion. The author also states that secular Westerners tag the Muslims who speak of Islam as a comprehensive way of life, as people who are retrogressive and resistant to change. Not all Westerners think this way. Some believe in respecting the sacredness of the Muslim religion and that Muslims are not resistant to change. They are, however, more committed to their religion than other groups. They do not see their religion as something that they have to do once a week or once a year. They see it as a part of their everyday lives. It matters to them that they belong to a group and that support is always available to them. The article also indicates that â€Å"many believe that Islamists were not representative and would be rejected in popular elections. † This is only true because many people assume negative things about the Muslim people. They generalize the things they see on the media to all Muslims, which makes it hard for them to give the Muslims a chance to prove them otherwise. It is very important to state that not all Muslims are the same as portrayed in the media. Political Islam and the West may have numerous different perspectives. However, they have one goal common to both sides, which is to provide a better way of life for their people. The Muslims are only beginning to adapt to the changes around them and have more

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How an Individual’s Health Affects the Entire Family’s Function?

How an individual's health affects the entire family's function and how does the family's ability to function affects each individual member's health? Using Family System theory, this paper investigates the mutual impacts that the family and the individual have on each other, and the importance of family nursing for providing clinical support to both the family and individual within the context of crisis. Examples would be provided to illustrate just how impacts are felt and how these are mediated through family functioning. The thesis in this paper is that family functioning has an important impact on the health of individual members, as the individual depends on the family for support and protection from the larger social unit, the society; on the other hand, individual health can put enormous strain on the functioning of the family, primarily through relationships. Family Functioning on Individual Member's Health In order to appreciate the impact that family functioning has on the health of its individual members, one must recognize the family as not only a collection of individuals whose physical proximity exposes its members to infections and environmental contaminants, but an economic unit that provides material and emotional support to its members within the larger social context (Ross, Mirowsky, ; Goldsteen, 1990). While health and sickness takes place within the family, two of the important questions asked are the ways in which family functioning has an impact on generating and on altering the health of its individual members. An understanding of the functioning of the family involves looking at the causal chains, the conditional effects and structural amplifications. While the impacts of the family on the individual could vary in correlation, there are conditions within the family that increase, decrease, or even reverse, the correlation. It is therefore the combination of causal chains and conditional effects that combine to erode certain barriers that help reduce the impact of the society on individual wellbeing (Ross et al., 1990, p. 1061). Individual physical and emotional wellbeing are therefore impacted by the structural aspects of the family, which include marriage, parenthood, wife's employment and the family's social and economic status (Ross et al., 1990, p. 1061). Family functioning is said to have an impact on individual health and this is seen in the family performing a protective barrier in mental health diseases and being shown as having an important role in â€Å"pathogenesis, treatment, and recovery† of the individuals, particularly with patients with mood, anxiety, substance abuse disorders and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (Garcia-Huidobro, Puschel ; Soto, 2012, p. e198). In the case where the individual family members suffers from biomedical illness such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the family is seen as more involved in the outcome of the disease for the ill family member. However, research has shown that family functioning style has an effect on the health of family members, and that poor family functioning has a cumulative effect and contributes to poor health on the part of family members (Garcia-Huidobro et al., 2012, p. e198). Where there are relational problems in families, individual family members were found to be more likely to experience psychiatric and behavioural conditions. Where the family is under stress, individual family members are likely to experience conditions related to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (Garcia-Huidobro et al., 2012, p. e202). In their study, these authors defined family functioning as covering â€Å"family agreement, cohesion, family support, problem-solving strategies, commitment, internal resources, and strengths† (Garcia-Huidobro et al., 2012, p. e202). It was when there was breakdown in at least some of these areas that health of individual family members were shown to be affected. This, family functioning was seen to be responsible or causative of certain individual health conditions. In the case of vision loss, the family is seen as playing a very important role in helping the individual to adjust to this loss. The reason for this is that family members are generally the ones that live with the individual family member that is afflicted, know the nature and history of his or her condition, have observed how the family member copes and has coped with the low vision and related life stressors, accompany the afflicted family member to appointments and examinations, and serve as communicators with health professionals (Bambara, Wadley, Owsley, Marin, Porter ; Dreer, 2009, p. 138). The degree to which the family is functioning well, to that degree will the family help the family member to cope with his or her situation. The amount of support that the family provides to this family member with this chronic condition depends on the severity of the vision loss, the impact of that loss on the individual's daily living and ability to be independent, the number and nature of comorbid conditions that the individual has, living arrangements, financial resources and the individual's access to services and resources, all play a part in reveling how the family impacts the individual's health. The degree to which the family is able to support the individual family member during this difficult period is the degree to which the individual family member is able to cope with his or her loss of vision (Bambara et al., 2009. P. 139). Smith, Greenberg and Mallick Seltzer (2007) also shows how family functioning could have an impact on chronic diseases in individual members. According these researchers, siblings are affected to the degree that they have a relationship with the sibling that is chronically ill, and with the amount of help that they contribute to help in caring for the sibling. Therefore, if family functioning is such that the siblings have strong relationships, this is likely to help the sibling with the chronic condition has better health outcomes (Smith et al., 2007). In their research, Rosland, Heisler, and Piette (2012) pointed out that according to previous studies â€Å"family autonomy, support, overprotectiveness, and good communication (were) . . . influential to patient illness management† (p. 221). As family members came together to emphasis self-reliance and personal achievement, as they cooperated and became more cohesive as a unit, and as they provided greater attention to the family member that was chronically ill, the chronically ill patient showed much better improvement (Rosland et al., 2012, p. 228). It was also noted that positive marital and family function predicted better control of the chronic illness and better outcome and survival for the chronically ill patient (Rosland et al., 2012, p.,. 228). Individual Health on Family Functioning When a family member is ill, this has the impact of disrupting the family functioning, as family members are often required to make adjustments to their daily lives. This is particularly the case when a family member develops a chronic disease, for not only must family members make changes to the family's routine, but in many instances roles, responsibilities and boundaries change (Lawrence, 2012). Individual chronic illness also affects the family in terms of the self-image and self-esteem of family members, but chronic illness could also affect the emotional lives of family members by triggering â€Å"anxiety, depression, resentments, feelings of helplessness, as well as ill-ness related factors such as illness-related factors such as permanent changes in physical appearance and bodily functioning† (Lawrence, 2012, p. 21). When a family member is ill, there are spillover effects on the family as family members experience emotional, non-health, and somatic effects (Wittenberg, Saada, ; Prosser, 2013). While emotional effects were thought of as psychological spillover, the non-health effects come about as family members have to re-arrange their daily activities and facilitation of caregiving, with parents experiencing the greatest spillover effects when children are ill, while children had the fewest spillover effects when parents were ill (Wittenberg et al., 2013). Some of the effects of an individual's illness on the family were seen in family members experiencing caregiver burden and increased mortality; however, in some instances the impact of the individual's illness had positive effects in those caring for the ill individual, including sense of altruism and purpose (Wittenberg et al., 2013). These researchers noted in their research that it was not only the caregivers within the family that were affected by the individual's illness, as other family members. For example, children who were not involved in the caregiving of their ill parents were shown to be affected. However, the interdependence between the ill individual and other members of the family influenced the manner in which the family was affected. The spillover effects of the ill individual on to the family varied. Spouses showed a wide range of effects across domains, because of the interdependence, but also because of responsibility shifting and having to cope with the direct effects of the illness (Wittenberg et al., 2013, p. 8). Not only are spouses often the primary provider for the ill individual, but they often feel enormous stress in coping and may feel trapped in trying to recognize the dependence and autonomy of the patient, while still trying to cope with their own needs (Lawrence, 2012, p. 21). Spouses may also experience feelings of powerlessness in not being able to help with their spouses' pain, and the pressure of being strong when in effect they are feeling emotionally drained (Lawrence, 2012, p. 21). Parents of ill children showed the lest spillover effects, possibly because they knew generally about the condition of their children, and their expectation of the outcome helped to improve spillover effects (Wittenberg et al., 2013, p. 8). When a child has a chronic illness, this has an impact on the family as a whole, but also on the relationships within the family (Alderfer, Riese, Gold, Cutuli, Holmbeck et al., 2008, p. 1046). At the same time, it must be recognized that the functioning of the family has an impact on the child's health, for with conflict within the family, the outcome of treatment such as bringing down the HbA1c level for an adolescent with Type 1 diabetes could be negatively impacted (Alderfer et al., 2008, p. 1046). Assessment and reduction in family conflict may be important in such an intervention to control the adolescent's HbA1c level (Alderfer et al., 2008, p. 1046). Parents of children with chronic illnesses also experience negative impact on their relationship, as one parent may need to spend more time with the ill child and so less time with the spouse. Some of the effects of this on family function, according to Lawrence (2012) include â€Å"communication problems, higher divorce rates, increased relationship conflict, increased role strain, and decreased relationship satisfaction† (p. 21). In short, quality of life of family members is also affected when a family member has a chronic disease for while there may be physical effects and psychological distress, there could also be social problems (Golics, Khurshid, Basra, Salek, ; Finlay, 2013, p. 787). In the case of parents of children with chronic illnesses, where the chronic condition is in dermatological diseases, parents may experience worry, frustration and stress, whereas in the case of chronic conditions involving physical and mental disabilities, parents may experience social problems. But there could be serious emotional impacts on family members, for as pointed out, research has shown that â€Å"family members of patients can be more emotionally affected by illness than patients themselves† (Golics et al., 2013, p. 787). In fact, in their study these researchers showed that family members demonstrated that the impact included not only worry, frustration and anger, but also of guilt (Golics et al., 2013, p. 790). Negative impacts of individual chronic health on family functioning include change in daily activities, deterioration in family relationships, loss of sleep and negative impact on health, lack of support from friends and family support,, increased involvement in providing care, disruption in studies, negative financial impact, decreased social life, and inability to make firm plans (Golics et al., 2009, 790 – 794). However, these researchers pointed out that in their study, they had one positive effect of the individual's chronic health on the family, and that led to â€Å"the family improving as a result of the patient's illness., with members of the family pulling together to support each other† (Golics et al., 2009, p. 794). In the case of adult children and their elderly parents, acknowledgement that their parent's life span was shorter also led to fewer spillover effects (Wittenberg et al., 2013). Results of this study revealed that the illness of a family member had vast effects on the family, affecting the overall functioning of the family, and having physical and emotional and spillover effects on family members (Wittenberg et al., 2013). In chronic conditions, it is likely that emphasis on quality of care for elderly patients could be a means of providing positive impacts on family functioning. End of life care usually involves an understanding between elderly parents and their children. In a study involving elderly parents and their adult children, a common understanding was that trust in treating physician, avoidance of unwanted life support, effective communication nd continuity of care and life completion were facts that both groups found important (Heyland, Dodek, Rocker, Groll, Gafni et al., 2006, p. 1, 6).Other family members are affected in different ways by the chronic health condition of an individual family members. As noted, family functioning is affected, as family members have to go through stages to adjust to the chronic illness of their individual family member. Some of the adjustments that have to be made in the case of family members of the individual family member with low vision are â€Å"shock-denial, mourning-withdrawal, succumbing-depression. Reassessment-reaffirmation, coping-mobilization, and self-acceptance-self-esteem† (Bambara et al., 2009, p. 138). Basically, what is involved here is that the family goes through a period of adjustment, starting off with possibly shock and denial, and moving through various phases to the point where they have to accept that conditions have changed and that they have to make changes to their lives. In this case of low vision, changes could involve helping the family member purchase equipment that is not covered by insurance, helping in dealing with loss of wages, and covering economic deals (Bambara, 2009, p. 138).Implications for Nursing These findings reveal that clinical nursing also has an important role in providing psychosocial support for patients and families. Recognizing the impact of chronic disease on the family member and family, nursing therapy could be important in providing the emotional support needed for family members and for better functioning of the family as a whole. A study into the impact of Huntington's disease on families and spouses reveal the need for effective family therapy around easing marital conflict as well as parents' fears and anxieties over transmission of disease to children (Smolina, 2007, p. 14). Children's perception of the disease is also influenced by the behaviour of parents and so â€Å"family dynamics, taboos, expectations, loaded issues and the general attitude toward the disease† are all factors that require therapy (Smolina, 2007, p. 10). Clinical nursing therapy can ensure that perceptions related to end of life are shared by elderly patients and their adult children in end of life care discussions, as seen as important in earlier study (Heyland et al., 2006). Conclusion Chronic disease of a family member can have physical, social, and emotional impact on the other family members, and to have mostly negative effects on family functioning, as conflict, breakdown in relationships, stress and its related effects, depression, anxiety, guilt, and more could result. Although there have been some positive effects observed, namely, altruism and purpose, these are often dwarfed in terms of the negative effects. However, in turn, individuals with chronic conditions are influenced by their family functions, with poor functioning resulting in deterioration of their health or leading to the onset of some of these conditions. Using the dynamics of family theory, clinical nursing therapy could provide much needed support.