Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Consultant’s Skills Essay Example for Free

Consultant’s Skills Essay In the corporate world, there is always a need to structure the best possible process of production. In this integral approach, a consultant’s skills can be utilized in order to provide a different or better insight about the needs of the company as well as to guide it for a better path of development.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A consultant is someone who has gained expertise about a particular field of study, research or work. He provides an advice in order to proceed with a particular action (Wikipedia, 2007). In this aspect, consultants are invited in most company functions to share his thoughts and assumptions about a certain business dilemma. Of course, these assumptions do not always reflect that of an enterprise solution but can also be used for some research and development principles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are several responsibilities that a consultant needs to accomplish for a company. First, he needs to provide the most effective ways of dealing with a problem to the fullest of his knowledge. Second, he should communicate in the best possible way, probably in layman’s terms, what he thinks is the best approach in getting a resolution for a particular concern. Third, he must have quite a number of credible materials or resources that he can present to support his claims. Of course, there should be minimal questions about his skills since the company has hired him to become a consultant. But in order to gain a wider perspective of his talents, supporting materials must be available.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a general classification of consultants, the internal and external ones. The main difference between the two can be identified on the way their skills are used for the company processes. It may be thought that external consultants work as freelancers who may then be regarded as a â€Å"contractor† (Friedl) while the internal counterpart is an in-house consultant engaged in direct company decisions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the aspect of contributions, there might be a slight difference between the two categories. Internal consultants are more exposed to company operations which is of great advantage in sending information efficiently and in a faster way. They can utilize the core skills needed for a resolution (Robertson). On the other hand, external consultants may also provide the same quality of logical problem solving but it would probably take longer since he needs to first see the big picture of the problem before coming up with a solution. References Friedl, S. N.D. â€Å"So you want to be a consultant?† Unixwiz. Retrieved January 11, 2008 from Robertson, S. N.D. Experiences in Growing Internal Consultants with Object-oriented Skills. The Atlantic Systems Guild. Retrieved January 11, 2008 from Wikipedia. 2007. Consultant. Wikipedia-The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 11, 2008 from

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Flowering Judas Essay -- Analysis, Katherine Anne Porter

Judas Iscariot, the disciple, hanged himself from a tree after betraying Jesus Christ and giving him a kiss. The tree in which Judas hanged himself is known as â€Å"Judas Tree† mainly found in Southern Europe and Western Asia. In the short story â€Å"Flowering Judas† written by Katherine Anne Porter the title is related to this religious event of betrayal, murder, and denial. The two main characters in this short story are Braggioni and Laura. Braggoni is a cruel, powerful leader of Marxist revolutionaries in and around Mexico City. Laura a beautiful American women, age 22, who took up residence in Mexico. The most known theme in Porter’s short story â€Å"Flowering Judas† is betrayal. Laura, Braggioni, Braggioni’s wife, and Eugenio are all guilty of betrayal. Laura betrayals love in her life. By rejecting all men who intend to reach for her heart. Laura pictures Braggioni a â€Å"revolutionist would be lean, animated by heroic faith, a vessel of abstract virtues† (Porter p.1692). Picturing a revolutionist as a Christ figure. Laura betrays Braggioni by leading him to believe that she is interested in him. â€Å"She knows what Braggioni would offer her, and she must resist tenaciously without appearing to resist† (Porter p. 1692). Laura does not intend to tell Bragioni to vanish from her life. Laura fears that she might mess with his pride and knows that Braggioni is powerful that it can lead in to hurting her. Porter states â€Å"Braggioni is cruel to every one, for it is dangerous to offend him, and nobody has this courage† (p. 1992). Not only is Laura betraying Braggioni but Braggioni’s wife as well. Laura is committing adultery by being leading false judgment on a married man, and she can cause a separation of somebody else’s marriage. A nineteen ye... ...ura declares that she has taken the narcotics to Eugenio. In the last supper where Jesus Christ presented his disciples with bread as his body and wine as his blood; they were to eat and drink of it in memory of him and accepting him as their savior. In the end of the story Porter presents to us a related event in a dream that Laura has with Eugenio. Eugenio says to Laura in the dream â€Å"Then eat these flowers, poor prisoner,† and from a Judas tree he stripped the warm bleeding flowers, and held them to her lips (p.1700). Here Porter mentions Judas as to referring to the disciple that betrayed Jesus. By Laura accepting and eating the bleeding leave from Eugenio, ripped from the Judas tree, she is accepting the contribution in his murder. Just as a Christian’s accept Jesus on Sundays by Holly Communion. Laura has betrayed Eugenio by participating in his murder.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Dreams come true Essay

When I was 3 years old my mother used to tell me mesmerising bedtime stories about the greatest world inventions ever made. I liked whenever, she talked about medical inventions or greatest cure to diseases, and I told her one day I will become a great biomedical scientist, and I will find cure for cancer. The prospect of becoming outstanding member of the society was overwhelming, and I always wondered when I will accomplish that dream. The journey of that dream of becoming a great scientist started when I first opened my science book in year three. The stories my mother used to relay when I was young were great, imaginative, and not feigned, and I always used to wonder if I will one day discover new technologies to cure the incurable diseases. My childhood dream of becoming a great scientist is taking shape and here I am operating computerised machines, collecting data and analysing them. My dream was to be accepted to study my chosen field of science at one of the best universities in the world, and here I am in 2016 studying biomedical science at one of the prestigious universities in the world. My dreams came to light, and I cannot wait to conduct research and challenge theories, and kill cancer for good. I am very excited about this. The creative juices are really flowing, and I exploit the bed time stories of my mum as a motivation, and a vehicle to push me through the challenges of daily life. To succeed in life and achieving your childhood dreams needs a lot of hard work, and I have gone through grueling years of high school studies to achieve success. Dreams come true, and I am a living proof.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Management And Leadership Leadership - 1023 Words

Management and Leadership In Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Are We All Chanting the Wrong Mantra, the authors says, â€Å"Leadership is simply management of higher level things† (McCormack, 2009, p.1) and that the leader manages the vision, people’s perception and their own behavior (p.1). McCormack continues his analysis by saying, â€Å"There are times when leadership simply cannot take place† (p.2). McCormack appears to believe that organizations and universities should not teach, encourage or tolerate leadership as a singular function: That they should only embrace it as a single duty within the broader responsibility of management. It appears that despite being a consultant and instructor of management, that McCormack does not understand the distinct roles of management and leadership. Although it is true that leadership is a form of management (Satterlee, 2013, p.5); however, it is also true that it is a function separate to itself (Lussier Achua, 2012, p.7) and this seems to be the idea that McCormack missed. McCormack is viewing the role of leadership from a purely organizational perspective and ignoring the broader historical and humanitarian context. The next section discusses Satterlee’s textbook concepts and contrasts them with McCormack’s article while relating the topics to the Christian faith. The sections are (1) transformational leadership, (2) leadership versus management, and (3) types of power. Transformational leadership Transformational leadership is oneShow MoreRelatedLeadership And Management And Leadership1569 Words   |  7 PagesLeadership is about seeking constructive change and management is about establishing order (Northouse, 2015). Warren Bennis (1997) wrote in  Learning to Lead: A Workbook on Becoming a Leader  that â€Å"There is a profound difference between management and leadership, and both are important. To manage means to bring about, to accomplish, to have charge of or responsibility for, to conduct. Leading is influencing, guiding in a direction, course, action, opinion. The distinction is crucial.† (Leiding,Read MoreLeadership And Management : Leadership835 Words   |  4 PagesLeadership Verses Management The world is made up of leaders and managers. There are leaders and managers in every aspect of life. In many instances leadership and management are referred to as being the same. This paper will evaluate the differences between leadership and management. In today s organizations, leaders and managers are needed in order to operate successfully. Even though managers and leaders are different, they both have many similarities that will be discussed in this paperRead MoreLeadership And Management And Leadership1146 Words   |  5 Pages Leadership and Management Contrary to popular belief, the terms leadership and management are often thought of as hand in hand, but in retrospect they both have very strong different meanings and are not the same. There are some similar characteristics that can very much persuade some that they align in the same manner. They can be notably known as terms that are used interchangeably in the business world. â€Å"Management is a function that must be exercised in any business, whereas leadershipRead MoreLeadership And Management And Leadership1173 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership is a term that is often misunderstood and misinterpreted in the business world. In the world of CEOs, CFOs, vice-presidents and managers, it is important to distinguish the difference between what is considered management and what is considered leadership. While these two terms are not mutually exclusive, but it is imperative that they are not comprehended as mutually inclusive either. In this context, I will be comparing leadership and management as presented in the college textbookRead MoreLeadership And Management : Leadership1126 Words   |  5 PagesAs we know that, leadership is nothing. But the influencing flowers. Leadership includes three fundamental clusters of skills creating vision, garnering commitment to that vision, an managing progress toward the realization of that vision. powerful and effective leaders plays very vital role to reach the maximum production for any organization. This is why, Organizational renowned scholars have been studying of this very significant topic of leadership for literally hundreds of years. Because.Read MoreLeadership Vs. Management : Leadership And Management1550 Words   |  7 Pagesauthor of On Becoming a Leader: The Leadership Classic, is best known for, that addresses why there is a difference between Leadership versus Management (Murray, What is the Difference Between Management and Leadership?, 2009). Just like most people, I use â€Å"leadership† and â€Å"management† interchangeably because one feels that they are probably the same thing or embody the same characteristics. Further discussion will provide details on what leadership is, what management entails, and why they are differentRead MoreManagement Vs. Leadership : Management And Leadership1061 Words   |  5 PagesManagement vs. Leadership Introduction Presently many of us have learned that managers are primarily administrators who have learned to write business plans, utilize their resources and keep track of progress. We must learn that we are not limited by job title, and that means we can utilize our management skills in any position that we are in. We must also know that we can use our leadership skills in the same situations. On the other hand we have also learned that leaders are people who haveRead MoreLeadership Vs. Management : Leadership And Management1312 Words   |  6 PagesLeadership vs. Management Nowadays, it is impractical to think of an organization without an effective leader, as well as an active manager. The two are much in common as they are essential in the organizational hierarchy, and they are crucial elements in running any business enterprise. However, there are several differences between the two terms. Based on the definition, leadership means the power and ability of a person to motivate, influence, and enhance members to contribute towards the commonRead MoreLeadership Theory Of Leadership And Management1341 Words   |  6 PagesZohrab Mammadov Dr. Betty Rottmann Leadership Theory January 30, 2014 Leadership vs Management Introduction: Leadership - concept has multiple meanings. It can be used in various activity where means something concrete. In a control system, in management leadership possesses a special role. Management in market economy is a management for the purpose of achievement of the highest efficiency of the organization, satisfaction of consumers, receiving the maximum profit. Respectively, each organizationRead MoreLeadership and Management977 Words   |  4 PagesLeadership and management are two notions that are often used interchangeably. However, these words actually describe two different concepts. The following report will discuss the differences and examine the roles and responsibilities of leaders in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. What is leadership, and what is the difference between leadership and management? • Leadership is setting a new direction or vision for a group that they follow, i.e. a leader is the spearhead