Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Topic Ideas For a 5 Page Essay About Economics Problems

Topic Ideas For a 5 Page Essay About Economics ProblemsTopics for a 5 page essay about economics problems have the potential to be very helpful. There are generally many, many factors which can affect a student's grades in the course of a semester. It is therefore quite difficult to predict with certainty what the grade distribution will be.Most college students have at least one thing in common. They find themselves struggling to get ahead. Since so many of them will need to take the course in order to be able to graduate, it makes sense to find solutions to economics problems as early as possible.This can be a very tricky and time consuming task. There are a number of topics that a student can choose from which are easy enough to get started but which they don't think they have the writing skills required to express.One of the best things about writing essays that have a lot of hard work involved is that they are often related to college-level subjects such as essay writing, compos ition, and even business or English and composition. This can make the task seem much more manageable. It also ensures that the student is not hindered by previous knowledge of these subjects.One of the easiest ways to get started is to start writing about your problems. Don't be afraid to be blunt and honest. This will make the process a lot easier.After you have completed this type of essay, it is a good way to start learning the skills of writing an essay. The writer has to understand exactly what is expected of him/her in order to produce a successful essay. The outline format is a basic requirement.In order to get started on these topics all you need to do is to read the topics and select the ones that offer the basic ideas that you want to cover. If it seems too difficult, don't worry. It is generally a good idea to read a couple of topics then pick a couple of topics that are easier for you to tackle.Remember, it's best to start off small and build from there. You can do this by picking a topic that is easy to tackle and go from there. With practice and perseverance you will find your skill level, improving with each assignment that you complete.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Hobbit Essays (593 words) - The Hobbit, New Zealand Films

The Hobbit The Hobbit As the book, The Hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien begins to conclude, Thorin Oakenshield sees the goodness in Bilbo Baggins and apprehends the most significant parts of life. Since the beginning, Thorin's principle objective is to become the King under the Mountain and to have all the gold and treasure. While Thorin is on his deathbed he tells Bilbo, "There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." Unlike the dwarfs, Bilbo cherishes friendship and merriment over gold and wealth. He shows this by placing his life in danger numerous times by escaping ferocious goblins and killing giant spiders to save Thorin and the other dwarfs. Bilbo cares more about others than himself, and Thorin notices how fortunate they are to have such a wise individual as a friend. Because of the goodness in Bilbo, he declines the treasure. It is offered to him since a promise was made in the beginning for him to receive and equal portion of the riches. He refuses the treasure because he feels that the most precious possession he has is the friendship with the dwarfs and others that he encounters along the way. Also, Bilbo enjoys near death experiences and thrills that accompany the quest for the mountain. Although, from Bilbo's words, he makes it seem as if the only reason he does not take the treasure home is that his pony will only carry two chests. Bilbo also thinks he did enough harm and becomes weary. He just wants to be back in his hobbit-hole. What use would Bilbo have for the whole treasure? Bilbo was content without the riches which is why he declines the treasure. Thorin changes drastically by the end of the book. Now, Thorin's quest is now fulfilled since he returned the mountain to the dwarfs reign. For many years, a dragon, Smaug, took over the mountain until when Thorin and his company claim the mountain again. Another part of his quest was to have the Heart of the Mountain, the Arkenstone. He accomplished that when it was laid upon his breast by Bard, a friend, and Bard exclaimed, "There it lay till the Mountain falls!" His death was necessary for the theme of the book to teach that kindness is superior of treasure. Finally, Thorin realizes this valuable lesson, but it is too late. Thorin does not deserve respect or admiration because he did not realize that friendship and merriment is more meaningful than riches. Many creatures lost their life from the choices that Thorin made and the selfishness he had. According to Bilbo's perspective of Thorin, Bilbo stated, "He is quite ready to sit on a heap of gold and starve." If Thorin would have given everyone their evenhanded portion of the fortune, the battle possibly could have been stopped, and there would have been no hard feelings. Instead, he was too avaricious, and that is why Thorin is not respectable and does not deserve our admiration. Therefore, in The Hobbit, Thorin's perspective on life changes when he sees the goodness and kindheartedness in Bilbo. Bilbo would risk his life for any friend, but during the adventure all Thorin wants is the treasure. As Thorin is on his deathbed, he notices how selfish he has been and wishes he could have transformed it. Meanwhile, Bilbo sets the perfect example. He shows wisdom, courage, bravery, and above all, nobility. Bilbo teaches a valuable lesson. His goal is to survive and be happy, but most of the other characters only desire treasure. In turn, Bilbo becomes an admirable and a remarkable companion.