Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Similarities Between Two Different Tragedies Essay

It is easy to notice a similarity on the surface of two things that look alike, but when two stories are completely different in their content, it is not easy to detect a similarity. For instance, after we read for the first time â€Å"The Necklace† by Guy De Maupassant and â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† by Mary Flannery O’Connor, we cannot connect these two tragedies together. Both were written in a different time by different authors, and they end in a different way. However, if we study deeply both stories, we can find their similarities even though their contexts are different. Although â€Å"The Necklace† and â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† are different tragedies, both of them focus on their main characters that suffer from pride, are manipulative,†¦show more content†¦In spite of all the differences between these characters, we can see that both of them suffer from pride. Mathilde wanted to be more important than anybody like th e grandmother in the other story. Mathilde wanted to look as important as she believed she was even if she did not have money. She was sure that she born to be rich. Mathilde only thought about her pain and never thought about what her husband wanted. Moreover, in the story â€Å"The Necklace† we cannot see that Mathilde when she was at the party thought if her husband was tired or was enjoying the party. She was just happy being there, and it was the only thing that she cared. We perceive the same with the grandmother in the other story â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† because the grandmother was sure that she was important, and probably she came from an important family. We can see it when she told her grandchildren that the little Negro child did not have what they have. Also, the grandmother only cared about herself. She did not care if the family wanted to go to Florida. She only thought about wanting to go to Tennessee and visiting her friends. Also, when the Mi sfit was about to kill the family, she only cared about her life. As a result of the pride, both characters became manipulative to get what they wanted. Mathilde always was sad because she did not have the money and the importance that she wanted, so her husband Mr. Loisel find invitations to an important party to see her happy;Show MoreRelatedEssay on Comedy vs. Tragedy876 Words   |  4 Pagesworks, the most popular styles were comedies and tragedies. These polar opposites appealed to many because of the way they brought the story to life. The same story written in both of these styles could have a completely different effect on the audience based on the style used. Although completely dissimilar, the two styles did have some similarities, which kept them in the Shakespearian style. 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