Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ethical Actions Essay

Was there anything in either the University Of Phoenix Student Code Of Conduct or the Student Code of Academic Integrity that surprised you? If so, what was it? Why were you surprised? If not, why not? There was nothing that surprised me about the University Of Phoenix Student Code Of Conduct or the Student Code of Academic Integrity. I feel that it is important to have rules and regulations that are enforced to keep the faculty staff and students safe and also provide us with a safe environment to learn. By insuring that these rules are enforced and imposing strict penalties for those that do not comply with these rules the University of Phoenix sets an example of fairness and equality. What did you learn about the behaviors considered important for an ethical learner or student in the University of Phoenix learning community? I learned that the behaviors considered important for an ethical learner or student in the University of Phoenix learning community is that being honest truly is the best policy; being truthful within ourselves and with each other is an important ethical mission; that a disruptive learning environment can make people uncomfortable and hinder our academics. Our different cultures and individualities should not become a factor in how we treat and/or respect each other. Rules are put in place at the University to assure us that we are able to fully become involved in the learning process. Being open-minded and listening to what others have to say is also an important aspect of respect. I learned that the ethical learners behavior deals with us being honest and as well as our character and how we present it to the world. Our behavior as an ethical learner also deals with our values and actions that we show every day.

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