Sunday, August 11, 2019

Theology of Immigration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Theology of Immigration - Assignment Example While Congress is making new laws evangelical Christians, on the other hand, are protesting and trying to make sure that these laws are in accordance with the teachings of the bible regarding immigration and how immigrants should be treated. An immigration law that ensures justice, values an individual’s self-esteem and does not affect the country’s image as a welcoming country. A fair immigration law will help in making the country’s economy and society stronger. Immigrants have played a significant role both in American history and bequest, due to this American’s should encourage immigrants to take part as American citizens who pay taxes, vote in elections and work legally (Staver, 2013). Immigration laws should consist of suitable fines, timings to wait for their hearings, a proper background check should be done, confirmation regarding honorable character and loyalty towards America by learning their native language. The Bible regarding the issue of im migration states that people need to make to make a choice between greeting the immigrants which will direct them towards endless paradise and not greeting the immigrants will direct them towards endless penalty. (Staver, 2013) In this paper, we will discuss what the Bible says regarding the issue of immigration and will also put light on the issue of Iraqi immigrants and what the Christians have to say about it.   The topic of immigration usually creates a gap between devoted parishioners and denominational ministers, a number of Catholic bishops believe that illegal immigrants should be given official pardon. They are constantly working in the favor of open borders. The codes of conduct stated by their religion are the basis for many American policies and their politics. The Christians who form the policies and the Christian citizens of the United States may perhaps want to take into account how the Bible looks at the issue of immigration. The United States has an extensive rela tionship with Christianity and its effect on the process of policymaking. The Bible clearly states rules about some issues of public policy making, however on a few issues nothing is said clearly so people themselves have to interpret what the Bible is saying.   (Edwards, 2009) The Bible has told its people the role God has determined for the Civil Government of the country. It specifies that those with power need to maintain law and order in the country, look after the citizens and penalize those who commit a crime.   (Edwards, 2009) In 1 Peter 2:13-14 NIV it is said: â€Å"Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.† This tells us that those who are making the laws have a very serious responsibility given to them.  

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