Friday, August 9, 2019

Set Induction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Set Induction - Essay Example The set should be clear enough for the students to know what is expected of them. It should also help them have an idea of what to expect from their instructor. A good set should also help create motivation among learners. This motivation will help enhance clarity and enable students to be fully engaged in the whole learning process (Schuck, 227). Proper set induction by course instructors is necessary for creating interest in and understanding of a new subject among students. I attended an in-depth science class to assess the impact of set induction on students. The lecturer just went straight for the lecture notes once the lesson began. There was no introduction to the lesson; therefore there was nothing to grip the attention of the students. The lecturer used power-point presentations for his notes, which were all in the class text books. I thought that set induction to the subject was lacking. The lecturer did nothing to introduce the students to the new concept of the lesson, and yet this is a science class in which students need to understand the concept from the beginning. The lecturer did not welcome the students, and I sensed some indifference in the way he started the lecture without settling the students down. This sense of indifference was also obvious among the students who lost attention during the early stages of the lesson. Some of them turned to other activities that were not related at all to what they were learning, like sending emails and messages on their phones. I think that the way the lecturer started his lecture was not the right way to go about any learning process. He should have used a simple set induction to get the students ready for whatever he was going to teach them. I think the students turned to other activities other than paying attention to what the lecturer was saying due to the fact that they did not understand anything he said. The lack of attention could also be attributed to the fact that the instructor used

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