Monday, August 12, 2019

Western Civilization Class Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Western Civilization Class - Research Paper Example upon the life of the average worker, the following analysis will be concentric upon discussing these unique nuances in light of the way that they affected different groups. Furthermore, by referencing and analyzing conditions, societal structure, and life for the working class during the 19th century, the analysis will also focus upon how workers were treated within the factories, whether women and children were treated differently than men, what primary sanitation standards or conditions existed for the workers, and how these working conditions affected their overall health. Finally, a discussion and analysis of whether or not this author believes that workers were treated in this manner for a reason will be discussed. It is the hope of this particular student that the reader will be able to gain a more informed and relevant level of understanding concerning these questions as a direct result of the information and primary source documentation which will be analyzed within this brie f essay. All things considered, life for the average 19th century working class was anything but pleasant. These individuals were faced with a litany of different hardships. Among these included: long hours, poor conditions, health hazards, poor treatment at the hands of supervisory staff or managers, poor sanitation, low wages, and oftentimes horrendous living conditions. Naturally, there were seeking differentials with respect to the way in which individuals experienced 19th century later. For instance, wife in the coal mines was significantly worse as compared to my in a cotton field work wife working in a factory. Whereas it is not express intent of this particular analysis to differentiate between what types of 19th century labor could be considered as â€Å"good† and which types of 19th century labor could be considered as â€Å"bad†, general understanding that is one that appreciates the fact that nearly all members of the working class suffered from the hardships and

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